abandon ability abortion about above abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absolutely absorb abstract absurd abuse academic accept acceptable access accident accidentally accompany accomplish accomplishment accordance according account accuracy accurate accuse accustomed ache achieve achievement acid acknowledge acquaint acquaintance acquire across act action active activist activity actor actress actual actually acute adapt add addict addition address adequate adjective adjust administration admiration admire admission admit admittance adopt adult advance advantage adventure adverb advertise advertisement, ad advice advise advocate affair affect affection afford afraid afterwards again against age agenda agent aggression aggressive agree agreement agriculture ahead aid aim air aircraft airforce airline airport aisle alarm album alcohol alike alive all allergy alley alliance allow ally almost alone along aloud alphabet already also alter alternative although altogether always amateur amazing ambulance amendment among amount amuse amusement analysis analyst analyze ancestor ancient angel anger angle angry animal ankle anniversary annoy annoyance annual annually another answer ant anxiety anxious anyhow anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere apart apartment apologize apology apparatus apparent appeal appear appearance appetite applause apple application apply appoint appointment appreciate approach appropriate approval approve approximate April apron arcade architecture area argue argument arise arm armed arms army around arrange arrangement arrest arrival arrive arrogant arrow art article artificial as ash ashamed aside ask asleep aspect assault assembly assess assessment asset assignment assist assistance associate association assume assumption assure astonish astronaut astronomy Atlantic atmosphere atom atomic attach attack attain attempt attend attendance attention attic attitude attorney attract attractive attribute audience August aunt authentic author authority automobile available avenue average avoid awake award aware awareness away awesome awful awkward
baby / babies back background backward bacteria bad bad – worse – worst bag baggage bake balance ball ballet balloon bamboo ban band bang bank bar barber bare barely bark barrel base baseball basic basis basket basketball bat bath bathe battery battle beach beak beam bean bear beard beat – beat – beaten beautiful beauty because become – became – become bee beef beer beg begin – began – begun beginning behalf behave behavior behind belief believe bell belong below bench bend beneath benefit berry beside besides bet betray beyond bias bicycle , bike big bike bill billion bind – bound – bound biological bird birth birthday bishop bit bite – bit – bitten bitter black blade blame blanket blast bleed bless blind blink block blood bloody bloom blow – blew – blown blue board boat body boil bomb bond bone book border bore bored boss bother bottle bottom boundary bow bowel bowl box boy brain brake branch brass brave bravely bread breadth break – broke – broken breast breath breathe breed breeze brick bride bridge brief bright brightness brilliant bring – brought – brought broad broadcast broom brother brown brush bucket budget bug build – built – built building bullet bunch burden burial burn burst bury bus bush business busy but butter button buy – bought – bought buzz by
cab cabbage cage calculate calendar call calm camel camera camp campaign cancel cancer candidate candle cap capable capacity capital captain capture car carbon card cardboard care career careful careless carp carpenter carriage carrot carry cart cartoon case cash cast castle cat catch – caught – caught caterpillar cattle cause caution cave cease ceiling celebrate celebration cell center centimeter central century ceremony certain certainly certificate chain chairperson chalk challenge chamber chance change chapter character characteristic charge charity charm chase chat cheap cheat check checkup cheek cheer cheerful cheese chef chemical chemistry cherry chest chew chicken chief child / children childhood chimney chin Chinese chocolate choice choose – chose – chosen chop chorus chronic church cigarette , tobacco cinema circle circuit circular circumstance circus citizen city civil civilian civilization civilize civilized claim clam class classic classical clean clear clerk clever . smart , intelligent client cliff climate climb cling clip close closely closet cloth clothes clothing cloud cloudy club clue coach coal coalition coast coat coffee coin cold collaboration collapse collar colleague collect college, university colony color comb combat combination combine come come – came – come comedy comfort comfortable command commander commercial commission commissioner commit commitment committee common communicate communication communist community commute companion company compare comparison compensation compete competition competitive competitor complain complaint complete complex complexity complicated component compose composer composition compound comprehensive compromise computer concentrate concentration concept concern concerning concert conclude conclusion concrete condition conduct conference confess confidence confident confine confirm conflict confront confuse confusion congress connect conscience conscious consent consequence consequently conservation consider considerable consideration consist consistent consonant constant constantly constitute constitution construct construction consume consumer consumption contact contain contemporary content context continent continue continuous contract contrary contrast contribute contribution control controversial convenient conventional conversation convert convey conviction convince cook cookie cool cooperate cooperation cop cope copper copy copyright cord corn corner correct correspondent corridor corrupt cost – cost – cost costume cotton cough council count counter country county couple courage course court cousin cover cow coward crab crack craft crash crazy cream create creation creative creature credit creep crew cricket crime criminal crisis crisp critic critical criticism criticize critics crop cross crow crowd crown crucial cruel cruelty cruise crush cry cultivate culture cup cupboard cure curiosity curious curl currency current curry curse curtain curve custom customer cut – cut – cut cute cycle
daily dairy damage dance danger dangerous dare daring dark date daughter dawn dead deadline deaf deal dealer dear death debate debt decade decay deceit deceive December decide decimal decision declaration declare decline decorate decoration decrease dedicate deed deep deeply deer defeat defend defendant defense deficit define definite definitely definition degree delay delete deliberate delicate delight deliver delivery demand democracy democrat democratic demonstrate dentist deny department depend dependent deposit depress depression depth deputy derive descend describe description descriptive desert deserve design desirable desire desktop desperate despite dessert destiny destroy destruction detail detect detective determination determine determined develop development device devil devise devote diagnosis dialect dialogue diary dictionary die diet differ difference different difficult difficulty dig – dug – dug digest digital dignity diminish dinner, supper dip direct direction directly director dirt dirty disadvantage disagree disappear disappoint disappointment disaster discipline discount discourage discover discovery discrimination discuss discussion disease disgust dish disk dislike dismiss disorder display dispose dispute distance distant distinct distinction distinguish distract distribute distribution distributor district disturb ditch divide division divorce dizzy do, does – did – done doctor document doll dollar dolphin domestic dominate donation door dose dot double doubt down dozen drag drain dramatic draw – drew – drawn drawer dream dress drift drive – drove – driven drone drop drown drug drum drunk dry duck due dull dump during , while dust duty
each eager eagle ear early earn earnest earth earthquake ease easily east eastern easy eat eat – ate – eaten echo economic economics economy edge editor educate education educational eel effect effective efficiency efficient effort egg eight eighth either elaborate elastic elavate elbow elderly elect election electric electrical electricity electronic element elementary elephant eleven eliminate else embarrass embrace emerge emergency emotion emotional emphasis emphasize empire employ employee employer employment empty enable enclose enclosure encounter encourage encouragement end endure enemy energy enforcement engage engaged engine engineer English enhance enjoy enlarge enormous enough ensure enter enterprise entertain entertainment enthusiasm entire entitle entrance envelop envelope environment environmental envy equal equality equipment equity equivalent era eraser error escape especially essay essential essentially establish establishment estate esteem estimate etc eternal ethnic evaluate even event eventually ever everyone everything everywhere evidence evident evil evlolution evolution evolve exact exactly exaggerate examination, exam examine example excellent except exception exceptionally excess excessive exchange excite excited exciting exclude excuse executive exercise exhaust exhibit exhibition exile exist existence exit expand expansion expect expectation expense expensive experience experiment expert expired explain explanation explode explore explorer explosion explosive export expose exposure express expression extend extension extensive extent extinction extra extraordinary extreme eye eyebrow eyelid
fabric face facility fact factor factory faculty fail failure faint fair fairly fairy faith faithful fake fall – fell – fallen fall, autumn false fame familiar family famous fan fancy fantastic far fare farm farmer fascinate fashion fashionable fast fat fate father fault favor favorable favorite fear feather feature February federal fee feed – fed – fed feedback feel – felt – felt feeling fellow female fence ferry fertilizer festival fever fiber field fierce fifteen fifty fight figure fill film fin final finally finance financial find – found – found fine finger finish fire firefighter firm firmly first fish fist fit five fix flag flame flash flat flavor flee flesh flexibility flight float flood floor flour flow flower fly – flew – flown focus fold folder folk follow following fond food fool foolish foot / feet football footpath footstep forbid force forehead foreigner foresee forest forever forget – forgot – forgot / forgotten forgive – forgave – forgiven fork form formal formation former formula fort fortunate fortune forty forward fossil found foundation founder fountain four fourteen fourth fox frame free freedom freely freeze frequent fresh Friday friend friendly frighten frightened frightening frog front frown fruit fry fuel fulfill full fully fun fund fundamental funding funeral funny fur furnish furniture further furthermore
gain gap garage garden, yard garlic garment gas gasoline gate gather gay gaze gear gene general generate generation generous generously genetically genius gentle gentleman genuine gesture get – got – got ghost giant gift girl give – gave – given glad glance glass global globe glory glue go go – went – gone goal goat god gold golden good good, well – better – best goods goose gossip govern government governor grace graceful grade gradual gradually graduate grain gram grammar grand grandfather grandmother grandparents grant grape grasp grass grateful grave gravity gray great green greet greeting grief grieve grill grocery ground group grow – grew – grown growth guarantee guard guess guest guidance guide guilt guilty guitar gun guy
habit habitual hair hairy half hall hammer hand handle handsome hang – hung – hung happen happy harbor hard harden hardly hardship harm harmful harmless harmony harvest hasty hat hate hatred have, has have, has – had – had head headache headline headquarters health healthy hear hear – heard – heard heart heat heaven heavy heel height hell help hen herb here heritage hero hesitantly hesitate hesitation hide – hid – hidden high highlight hike hill hire historian historic historical history hit – hit – hit hobby hold – held – held hole holiday hollow holy hometown homework honest honesty honey honeymoon honor honorable hood hook hope hopeful hopeless horizon horizontal horn horror horse hospital hospitality host hot hotel hour hourly house household how how far how long how many how much how old how tall however hug huge human humanity humidity humor humorous hundred hunger hungry hunt hurry hurt hurt – hurt – hurt husband hut hypothesis
ice icy idea ideal identical identify identity idiom idiot if ignorance ignore ill illegal illness illustrate illustration image imagenary imagination imagine imitate immediate immediately immigrant immigrate immigration immune impact implement implication imply import importance important impose impossible impress impression impressive improve improvement impulse incident inclined include income inconvenience incorporate increase increasingly incredible indeed independence independent index indicate individual indoor industrial industrialize industry inevitable infant infect infection infectious inferior inflation influence influential inform information ingredient inhabitant initial initially initiative injection injury ink inner innocent input inquire inquiry insane insect inside insight insist inspector inspire install instance instant instead instinct institution instruct instruction instrument insult insurance insure intellectual intelligence intend intense intensity intensive intention interest interesting interfere interior internal international interpret interpretation interrupt interruption intervention interview intimate introduce introduction invade invent invention invest investigate investigation investigator investment invisible invitation invite involve involvement inwards iron irritate island isolate isolated issue Italian item
jacket jail jam January Japanese jaw jealous jealousy jelly jellyfish jewel jewelry Jewish job jog join joint joke journal journey joy judge judgement juice July jump June junior jury just justice justify
keen keep – kept – kept kettle key kick kid kidnap kidney kill killer kind kindergarten kindness king kingdom kitchen kite knee kneel knife / knives knit knock knot know – knew – known knowledge Korea Korean
lab labor laboratory lack ladder lady lake lamb lamp land landscape language lap large largely last last week late lately later latest latter laugh laughter launch laundry lavender law lawn lawyer lay – laid – laid lazy lead – led – led leaf/ leaves lean leap learn leather leave – left – left lecture left leftover leg legal legend legislation leisure lend – lent – lent length lesser lesson let- let – let letter lettuce level liable liberty library license lick lid lie – lay – lain – lying life / lives lift light lightning like likely limb limit line lip liquid liquor list listen liter literally literary literature little little – less – least live lizard load loaf / loaves local locate location lock lodging log logic logical lonely long look loose lord lose – lost – lost loss lot lottery loud love low lower loyal loyalty luck lump lung luxury
machine machinery mad maeaningful magazine magic magnet mail main maintain maintenance major majority make make – made – made maker male mammal man / men manage manager manner manufacture many, much – more – most map marathon March mark market marriage marry mask mass massive master masterpiece match mate material math matter mature maximum May maybe mayor meal mean – meant – meant meaning means meanwhile measure meat medical medicine medium meet – met – met melt member memory mend mental mention merchant mere merry mess message metal meter method metric metro microscope middle migrate mild mildly mile military milk million mind mindful mineral minimum minister ministry minor minority minute miracle mirror miserable miss mist mistake – mistook – mistaken mix mixture mobile model moderate modern modest modify moment Monday money monkey month monthly mood mop moral moreover mortgage mostly mother motive mountain mouse / mice mouth move move movement movie mud multiple multiply mummy murder muscle museum musician Muslim mutter mutual mysterious mystery myth
nail naked name nap narrow nasty nation national native natural nature naval navy near nearby nearly neat necessarily necessary necessity neck need needle needlessly negative neglect negotiate negotiation neighbor neighborhood neither nephew nerve nervous nest net network never nevertheless neverthless new newly news newspaper next next week nice nine ninth noble nobody nod noise none nonsense noon nor normal north northern nose nothing notice notion noun novel November nowadays nowadays , these days nowhere nuclear numb number numerous nurse nut nutrition
obedience obedient obey object objection objective objectively obligation obscure observation observe observer obstacle obtain obvious occasion occasionally occupation occupy occur ocean October octopus odd off offend offense offensive offer office officer official offspring often oil old once one onion only open operate operation operator opinion opponent opportunity oppose opposite opposition or orbit order ordinary organ organization organize origin original originally originate other otherwise ought outcome outdoor outer output outside outstanding oven over overall overcome overlap overtake overwhelming owe own ox oxygen oyster
pace pack package packet page pain painful painting pair palace pale palm pan paper parallel parcell pardon parents parliament part participant participate participle particular partly partner partnership party pass passage passenger passion passive past pastry patch path patience patient pattern pause pay – paid – paid payment pea peace peaceful peach peacock peak pear pearl peculiar peel peer pen pencil pension people pepper per perceive percent percentage perception perfect perform perhaps period permanent permission permit person personal personality personally personnel perspective persuade persuasion phase phenomenon philosopher philosophy photo, photograph photography phrase physical physician physics pick picnic picture piece pig pigeon pile pillow pilot pioneer pipe pit pitch pity place plain plan plane planet plant plastic plate play pleasant please pleased pleasure plenty plot plug plural pocket poem poet poetry point pointed poison poisonous pole police policy polish polite political politician politics poll pollution pond pool poor popular popularity population pork port portable portion portrait pose position positive possess possession possibility possible possibly post postpone pot potato potential potentially pound pour poverty powder power powerful practical practically practice praise pray prayer precious precise precisely predict prefecture prefer preference pregnant prejudice preparation prepare prescription presence present preserve president press pressure pretend pretty prevent previous price prickly pride priest primary primitive prince principal principle print prior priority prison prisoner private privilege prize probability probable probably problem procedure proceed process procession produce product production profession professional professor profit profound progress project promise promote promotion prompt pronounce pronunciation proof proper properly property proportion proposal propose prosecution prosecutor prospect protect protection protective protein protest proud prove proverb provide province provision psychological psychologist psychology pub public publication publicity publish publisher pull pump pumpkin punch punctual punish punishment pupil puppy purchase pure purple purpose purse pursue pursuit push put – put – put pyramid
rabbit race racial racket radical radio radish railway rain rainbow rainy raise random range rank rapid rare rarely rat rate rather rational raw ray reach react reaction read read – read – read ready real reality realize really rear reason reasonable rebel recall receipt receive recent recession recognition recognize recommend recommendation record recover recovery recycle red reduce reduction refer reference reflect reflection refrigerator, fridge refugee refusal refuse regard regarding regardless regime region regional register regret regular regulation reject related relation relative relatively relax release relevant reliable relief relieve religion religious rely remain remaining remark remarkable remember remind remote remove renew rent repair repeat replace replacement reply report represent representation representative republic reputation request require research researcher reservation reserve resident resist resistance resolution resolve resource respect respectful respond response responsibility responsible rest restaurant restore restrict restriction result retain retire retirement return reunion reuse reveal revenge revenue reverse review revolution reward rice rich rid ride – rode – ridden ridiculous right ring ring – rang – rung ripe risk ritual road roast rob rock rocket rod role roll roof room rooster root rope rough round row royal rub rubber rubbish rude rug ruin rule ruler rumor run run – ran – run rural rush
sacred sacrifice sad safe safety sail salary sale salt same sample sand satellite satisfaction satisfactory satisfy Saturday sauce sausage save say say – said – said scale scar scarcely scare scatter scenary scene schedule scheme scholar school schoolyard science scientific scientist scissors scream screw scrub sculpture sea search season seat second second secrecy secret secretary secure see see – saw – seen seed seek seem seize seldom select sell – sold – sold senate send – sent – sent senior sensation sense senseless sensible sensitive sentence separate separation September sequence series serious servant serve service set – set – set settle settlement seven several severe sew shade shadow shake shame shape share sharp shed sheep sheet shelf shell shellfish shelter shield shine – shone – shone ship shirt shiver shock shoe shoot – shot – shot shooting shop , store shopkeeper shore short shortage shortly shot should shoulder shout show show – showed – shown shower shrink – shrank – shrunk shrug shut – shut – shut shy sick side sideways sigh sight sign signal signature significance significant silence silent silk silly silver similar similarity simple sin since sincere sincerely sing sing – sang – sung single singular sink – sank – sunk sip sir sister sit – sat – sat site situation six size skate skill skillful skin skip skirt sky slave sleep – slept – slept sleepy sleeve slice slide slight slightly slip slippery slope slow small smell smile smoke smooth snack snake snap sneeze snow snowy so soap so-called soccer social society sock soft soil soldier solid solution solve someday somehow someone sometimes somewhat somewhere son song soon sophisticated sore sorrow sorry sort soul sound soup sour source south southern souvenir soy space spacecraft speak speak – spoke – spoken spear special specialist species specific spectator speech speed spell spend – spent – spent sphere spice spill spin spirit spiritual spiritually spite splendid split spoil sponge spontaneous spoon sport spot spread spring square squeez squeeze squid squirrel stable stadium staff stage stain stair stake stamp stand – stood – stood standard star stare start state station statistics status stay steadily steady steal – stole – stolen steam steel steep stem step stew stick sticky stiff still stimulate sting – stang – stung stir stitch stock stomach stomachache stone stop storage storm story straight strain strange stranger strategy strawberry stream street strength strengthen stress stretch strict strike – struck – struck string stripe stroke strong structure struggle student studio study stuff stupid style subject submit substance substitute subtle subtract suburb subway succeed success successful such suck sudden suddenly suffer suffering sufficient sugar suggest suggestion suicide suit suitable sum summary summer summit Sunday sunny sunscreen superior supply support supporter suppose suppress supreme sure surf surface surgery surprise surprised surprisingly surround survey survival survive suspect suspicious sustain sustainable swallow swan swear – swore – sworn sweat sweep sweet swell – swoll – swollen swim swim – swam – swum swing – swang – swung sword symbol symmetry sympathetic sympathy symptom syndrome system
table tablet tail take – took – taken tale talent talented talk tall tap tape target task taste tasty , delicious tax tea teach teach – taught – taught teacher tear tear – tore – torn technical teenager telephone, phone telescope television , TV tell tell – told – told temper temperature temple temporarily temporary ten tend tendency tender tennis tense tension term terminal terrible terror testimony thank theater theme then theory therapy there therefore thermometer these thick thief thin thing think – thought – thought third thirst thirsty thirteen thirty this week thorn thorough those though thought thousand thread threat threaten three throat through throughout throw – threw – thrown thumb thunder Thursday thus ticket tide tidy tie tiger tight time timetable timid tin tiny tip tire tired tissue title toad toast today toe together toilet tolerate tomorrow tongue tonight too tool tooth / teeth top topic total touch tough tour tourism tourist toward towards towel tower toy track trade tradition traditional traffic tragedy train trait transaction transfer transform transition translate translation transparent transport transportation trap trash, garbage travel treasure treat treatment treaty tree tremble tremendous trial tribe trick trigger trip troop tropical trouble trousers true truly trunk trust truth try tube Tuesday tuiton tumor tune tunnel turn turtle tutor twelfth twelve twentieth twenty twice twin twist two type typhoon typical
ugly ultimate umbrella unable unbelievable uncle uncomfortable under undergo understand – understood – understood undo unexpected unfortunately union unique unit unite universal universe unknown unless unlike unlikely unpleasant until, till unusual unusually up update upper upright upset upstairs urban urge urgent use useful, helpful useless usual usually
vacation vaccine vacuum vague vain valley valuable value vanilla variation variety various vary vast vegetable vehicle venture verb verbal versus vertical very vet via vice victim victory view viewer village violate violence violent virtually virtue virus visible vision visit visitor visually vital vivid vocabulary voice volcano volume voluntarily volunteer vote voter vowel voyage vulnerable
wage waist wait waiter wake – woke – woken walk wall wan wander want war warm warmth warn wash waste watch watch, clock water wave way weak wealth wealthy weapon wear – wore – worn weather weave wedding Wednesday week weekend weekly weigh weight welcome welfare well well-known west western wet whale what what time whatever wheat wheel wheelchair when whenever where whereas wherever whether which whichever whip whisper whistle white who whoever whole whose why wicked wide widely widespread width wife / wives wild wildlife will willing win – won – won wind wind – wound – wound window windy wine wing winner winter wipe wire wisdom wise wish withdraw within without witness wizard woman / women wonder wonderful wood wooden wool woolen word work worm worried worry worship worth worthy wound wrap wreck wrist write – wrote – written wrong wrongdoing
a few a good idea a kind of a little a lot of … many … lots of a lot of money … much money a member of the club a new record a piece of a variety of above all according to account for add A to B after a while after all after dinner after school agree with … be for all along all day … all day long all of a sudden all of the members all over all over again All right. All right. OK. Sure. all the more all the time all the way amount to and so on anything else… something else apart from appeal to apply for around the world… all over the world arrive at … get to as a result as a whole as far as as follows as if as long as as soon as possible … as soon as can as though as to as usual as well as you know ask a favor ask for at a glance at a high price at a loss at a low price at any cost at eight o’clock at first at first hand at home at last at least at night at noon at once at one time at present at random at school at that time … then at the best … at the most at the same time at the worst at three o’clock attach A to B bank account based on be about to be absent from be absorbed in be abundant in be acquainted with be affected by be afraid of be afraid of … be scared of be against … oppose to be anxious about be anxious to be ashamed of be aware of be born be capable of be composed of be concerned about be concerned with be contrary to be convenient for be covered with be crazy about be dependent on be different from be eager to be engaged in be equal to be equipped with be essential to be familiar with be famous for be fond of be forced to be full of … be filled with be good at be good for be guilty of be in danger of be in need of be in trouble be interested in be involved in be known as be known for be known to be late for be likely to be made from be made of be obliged to be out of be over be pleased with be popular with be prepared to be proud of be ready for be related to be relevant to be responsible for be said to be satisfied with be short of be supposed to be sure of be sure to be surrounded by be tired of … be sick of be typical of be unable to be unlikely to be unwilling to … be reluctant to be used to ing … be accustomed to ing be willing to be worried about be worthy of because of … due to before breakfast before long behave oneself believe in believe it or not belong to between A and B between you and me blame A for B blow up both A and B both of my parents bound for break down break into break out bring about bring up by accident… by chance by and large by bike by means of by mistake by nature by no means by now by oneself by the door by the time by the way Bye for now call back call for call it a day call off call on … call at calm down can … be able to Can I ? May I ? Can you ? carbon dioxide care about care for carry on carry out catch up with change mind change trains check out cheer up cherry blossom city hall clean up close to come about come across come home come into effect come out come to mind come true come up with compare A with B compete with comply with concentrate on confuse A with B congratulations on consist of contribute to cope with cry out cut down cut down on day after day day off deal with decide to depend on … rely on … count on die out differ from distinguish A from B do A a favor do one’s best do one’s homework do the dishes do well Do you mind if ? don’t have to … don’t need to down the road draw a picture … paint a picture draw the line dress up drop by … drop in each of these books each other either A or B elementary school encourage to end up with entitle to even so even though every day every other day except for exchange A for B Excuse me. fail to fall apart fall asleep fall down fall in love with feel free to feel like figure out fill in … fill out find out first of all five senses focus on for a long time for a while for example for fear of for free… for nothing for good for instance for now for sale for sure for the first time for the sake of foreign country foreign language fossil fuel from A to B from now on from time to time… every now and then gain weight generally speaking get along with get away with get back get home
get lost… be lost get off get on get out of get over get rid of get together get up get used to ing get well get worse give a ride give a hand give birth to give off give out go abroad go after go ahead go along with go back to go bankrupt go by … pass by go fishing go for it go on go out go shopping go straight go to bed go well with go wrong grow up had better had better not half an hour hand in hand out happen to have in common have a fever have a headache have an effect on have no idea havetake… get a break… havetake… get a rest head for health insurance hear from hear of heart rate help with her sister her umbrella her uncle Here you are… his answer his notebook hold back hold on hold the line How about ? How about ing? How about you? How come ? How is the weather? human being human rights hundreds of hurry up I got it. if anything if necessary impose A on B in a hurry in a row in a way in a word in addition in advance in August in case of in charge of in common in conclusion in contrast in demand in detail in effect in exchange in fact in fashion in favor of in general in good shape in no time in order in other words in particular in person in place in public in response to in short in some way in spite of in terms of in the 17th century in the afternoon in the bag in the beginning in the classroom in the end in the evening in the future in the long run in the meantime in the morning in the past in the way of in this way in those days in time in trouble in turn in vain in winter insist on instead of intend to It is said that Just a minute. Just a moment just around the corner just in case keep an eye on keep away from keep in mind keep in touch keep ing keep up keep up with last month last night last year laugh at lay off lead to learn by heart leave alone leave for leave out less than let down let go of Let me Let’s … Shall we ? … Why don’t we ? lie down little by little live on long ago look around look down on look for look forward to ing look into look like 名詞 … look 形容詞 look over look through look up look up to lose face lose weight make a difference make a mistake make a promise make a speech make an effort make fun of make it make progress make sense make sure make the best of make the most of make up for make up one’s mind make use of many kinds of many times may as well … might as well may as well A as B… might as well A as B may well … might well millions of mistake A for B more and more more or less more than most of the students move to America musical instrument must … have to must not my family my favorite movie near the river needless to say neither A nor B next to next year Nice to meet you. no doubt no less than no longer… not any longer no matter no more … not any more no more than No… thank you. none of none the less not A but B not always not as as … not at all not either A or B … neither A nor B not less than not more than not only A but also B not to mention not yet now that nuclear power nursery school Of course. Sure. off duty on a diet on account of on and on on average on behalf of on board on demand on duty on foot on purpose on schedule on second thought on the condition that on the contrary on the other hand on the run on the table on the wall on the way to on time on top of on TV on Wednesday on your right once again once and for all once upon a time one after another one another one by one one day one of them ought to our teacher out of out of control… out of hand out of date out of order out of place out of sight out of use out of work over and over again over there parking lot pass away pass out pay a visit to pay attention to pay off persist in pick up plastic bag play a role in Please let me know. plenty of … a number of … a great deal of … a large amout of point out police officer prefer A to B prevent A from B prior to provide A with B pull down put aside put away put down put off
put on put out put together put up put up with quite a few rather than reach out react to recover from refer to refrain from regard A as B regardless of remind of result in right away right now rob of rule out run across run away run into … bump into run out of run over run short of say hello to screw up search for see off settle down several times shake hands with Shall I ? share A with B show around show off show up shut down shut up side by side since then sing a song sit down so that … so far so long so that … in order to so to speak Some . Others …. some of us something new sooner or later speaking of specialize in spend A on B stand by stand for stand out stand still stand up stare at stay away from stay up step by step struggle with study abroad substitute A for B succeed in such as suffer from take a bath take A for granted take a look take a picture take advantage of take after … be similar to take care take care of … look after take down take effect take hold of take into account take it easy take off take on take over take part in … participate in take place talk about talk with tear down tend to Thanks for ing thanks to That’s right. That’s too bad. That’s very kind of you. the day before yesterday the number of the other day the rest of the same A as B the same school their house There is …There are think of think over this year thousands of three days ago three times as big as mine three years later throw away throw up times as … as – to go to one’s surprise to say nothing of to some extent to start with… to begin with to tell the truth to the contrary too to… traffic jam traffic light try on turn around turn down turn in turn into turn off turn on turn out to be turn over under construction under the chair under way up to upside down use up used to vacuum cleaner wait for waiting room wake up walk to school want to … would like to watch out wear a uniform wear out well off What day is it today? What if ? what is called what is more What is the date today? what is worse what’s more when it comes to Why don’t you ? Why not? will … be going to Will you ?… Can you ?… Would you ?… Could you? with a smile with him with luck with tears within reach without fail without my help work out worry about write down years old Yes… let’s. No… let’s not. Yes… please. your cousin your guitar You’re welcome.