Read the article and have a discussion based on the following questions.
- 記事を読んで次の質問に応えてください。
- Lesson 1: Understanding Prvacy in Different Cultures
- Lesson 2: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
- Lesson 3: The Aftermath of World War Ⅱ
- Lesson 4: The Role of Humor in Japanese Education
- Lesson 5: Are Gender Roles in Families Changing?
- Lesson 6: Japan’s Economic Challenges
- Lesson 7: A Growing Movement Against Smoking
- Lesson 8: The Impact of Global Warming
- Lesson 9: The Evolution of Communication in the Age of Technology
- Lesson 10: The Search for Intelligent Life in the Milky Way
Lesson 1: Understanding Prvacy in Different Cultures
Understanding Privacy in Different Cultures
In the United States, privacy is very important. Americans value their own space and time alone. This idea is part of a bigger cultural value called “individualism,” where people feel it’s important to respect each person’s needs and boundaries. In many American homes, people knock before entering each other’s rooms. This custom shows respect for privacy, even with family members.
In some other cultures, though, privacy may not be seen in the same way. In Japan, for example, people focus on the needs of the group more than on individual space. When Japanese businesspeople invite American guests, they often stay with them all day to be helpful and polite. While the Japanese hosts are being friendly, the American guests might feel uncomfortable after a while, because they want some time alone. They may say, “They’re very nice, but I need some time to myself.”
This difference happens because “privacy” is not the same in every culture. Some languages, like Arabic, Russian, and Japanese, do not have an exact word for “privacy” like in English. This doesn’t mean people in these cultures don’t have privacy, but it may look different. For example, some cultures value being close and together rather than having time alone. In these places, people may feel that spending time together is a way to show respect and care.
Overall, understanding privacy is different from place to place. What feels normal in one country may feel strange in another, so it’s important to understand and respect these differences.
value 価値をおく (kachi o oku)
People value their personal space. (人々は自分のプライベート空間に価値を起きます。)
individualism 個人主義 (kojin shugi)
Individualism is an important concept in American culture.
boundary 境界 (kyoukai)
Setting a boundary is important for personal relationships.
custom 習慣 (shuukan)
It is a custom to take off shoes before entering a house in Japan.
even さえ (sae)
Some people feel uncomfortable even with close friends.
in the same way 同じように (onaji you ni)
Not everyone thinks in the same way about privacy.
(プライバシーについて皆が同じように考えるわけではありません。 )
focus on 〜に焦点を当てる (〜 ni shouten o ateru)
Many cultures focus on community rather than individual needs.
individual 個人 (kojin)
Each individual has their own beliefs and values. (各個人にはそれぞれの信念と価値観があります。)
while 一方で (ippou de)
While some people enjoy being alone, others prefer being in company.
after a while しばらく後 (shibaraku ato)
After a while, I started to feel more comfortable.
time to myself 自分の時間 (jibun no jikan)
Everyone needs some time to myself now and then. (誰でも時々自分の時間が必要です。)
Arabic and Russian アラビア人とロシア人 (Arabia-jin to Roshia-jin)
Arabic and Russian languages have different concepts of privacy.
exact 正確な (seikaku na)
There is no exact translation for the word “privacy” in some languages.
being close and together 近くにいて一緒にいること (chikaku ni ite issho ni iru koto)
Being close and together is important in many cultures.
rather than 〜よりも (〜 yori mo)
Some people prefer community rather than isolation.
a way to 〜する方法 (〜 suru houhou)
Having privacy is a way to maintain mental health.
care 気を使う (ki o tsukau)
People care about their privacy differently across cultures.
overall 全体的に (zentai-teki ni)
Overall, understanding privacy is important in a global society.
1. What is one reason American families knock before entering each other’s rooms?
a) To remind each other of family rules.
b) To show that they respect each person’s privacy.
c) To help family members feel comfortable.
d) To make sure the person inside is not busy.
2. Why might American guests feel uncomfortable when visiting Japan?
a) They feel that Japanese people ignore their needs.
b) They think the Japanese language is difficult to understand.
c) They are not used to being with someone all the time.
d) They believe Japanese people value privacy too much.
3. What is one reason that privacy can feel different across cultures?
a) Some cultures believe that spending time together shows respect and care.
b) Privacy only exists in languages that have a word for it.
c) People in every culture prefer to spend time alone.
d) Different cultures see privacy as a way to avoid others.
4. Do you prefer to spend time alone or with friends and family? Why?
5. In what situations do you think privacy is especially import?
6. Have you ever visited a country where people have cultural differences? How did you feel
about those differences?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
People (v—-) their personal space.
b) 日本では家に入る前に靴を脱ぐのが習慣です。
It is a (c—–) to take off shoes before entering a house in Japan.
c) 中には親しい友人とでさえも不快に感じる人もいます。
Some people feel uncomfortable (e—) with close friends.
d) プライバシーについて皆が同じように考えるわけではありません。
Not everyone thinks (i-)(t–)(s—)(w–)about privacy.
e) 多くの文化は個人のニーズではなく、コミュニティに焦点を当てています。
Many cultures (f—-)(o-) community rather than individual needs.
f) 各個人にはそれぞれの信念と価値観があります。
Each (i———) has their own beliefs and values.
g) 孤独を楽しむ人がいる一方で、仲間といることを好む人もいます。
(W—-) some people enjoy being alone, others prefer being in company.
h) しばらく後、私はより快適に感じるようになりました。
(A—-)(-) (w—-), I started to feel more comfortable.
i) いくつかの言語には「プライバシー」の正確な翻訳がありません。
There is no (e—-) translation for the word “privacy” in some languages.
j) ある人々は孤立よりもコミュニティを好みます。
Some people prefer community (r—–)(t—) isolation.
k) プライバシーを持つことは精神的健康を維持する方法です。
Having privacy is a (w–) to maintain mental health.
l) 全体的に、プライバシーを理解することは国際社会で重要です。
(O——), understanding privacy is important in a global society.
Lesson 2: The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
Language studies have focused on speaking and writing, but nonverbal communication is just as important. Sometimes, people express more with their body language and facial expressions than with words. For example, if someone looks sad and you ask, “What’s wrong?” and they say, “Nothing, I’m fine,” their body language may tell you a different story. Similarly, when an angry person says, “Let’s forget this,” you can often sense their real feelings from their tone and expressions.
Research in the United States has shown that 93% of the message people communicate comes from their tone of voice and facial expressions. Only 7% comes from the actual words they say. This shows how much our emotions and attitudes are shared nonverbally. Nonverbal communication includes gestures, eye contact, and even silence, all of which can carry significant meaning.
Emotions like happiness, fear, and sadness are expressed through nonverbal cues all around the world. However, different cultures have different ways of expressing these feelings, which can sometimes be confusing. For instance, in some cultures, men show friendship by hugging, while in others, this may be considered inappropriate or shocking.
In conclusion, understanding nonverbal communication is essential. It helps us connect with others and understand their feelings better. While words are important, the way we express ourselves without them can reveal much more. Learning about these differences can help us communicate more effectively, especially when interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.
importance 重要性 (juuyousei)
The importance of education cannot be overstated.(教育の重要性は過小評価されるべきではありません)
nonverbal communication 非言語コミュニケーション (higengo komyunikeeshon)
Nonverbal communication is essential in understanding emotions.
just as important 同じくらい重要な (onaji kurai juuyou na)
Listening is just as important as speaking in a conversation.
express 表現する (hyougen suru)
Artists express their feelings through their artwork.
facial expression 表情 (hyoujou)
Her facial expression showed that she was happy.
similarly 同様に (douyou ni)
The first study was interesting; similarly, the second one had great findings.
sense 感じる (kanjiru)
I can sense that something is wrong. (私は何かがおかしいと感じます。)
actual 実際の (jissai no)
The actual cost was higher than expected. (実際の費用は予想よりも高かった。)
emotion 感情 (kanjou)
He couldn’t hide his emotion. (彼は感情を隠すことができませんでした。)
attitude 態度 (taido)
Her positive attitude influenced everyone. (彼女の前向きな態度は皆に影響を与えました。)
include 含む (fukumu)
The price includes all taxes. (その価格にはすべての税金が含まれています。)
all of which そのすべて (sono subete)
He has three dogs, all of which are very friendly.
significant 重要な (juuyou na)、大きな(ookina)
There was a significant change in the weather this week. (今週、天候に大きな変化がありました。)
for instance 例えば (tatoeba)
Many fruits are healthy; for instance, apples and oranges are good for you.
consider 考慮する (kouryo suru)
You should consider all your options before making a decision.
inappropriate 不適切な (futekisetsu na)
His joke was considered inappropriate for the occasion.
in conclusion 結論として (ketsuron toshite)
In conclusion, learning new languages is very rewarding.
essential 不可欠な (fukaketsu na)
Water is essential for all living things. (水はすべての生物にとって不可欠です。)
connect with 〜とつながる (〜 to tsunagaru)
It’s important to connect with others in your community. (地域の他の人々とつながることは重要です。)
1. According to research, how much of communication is based on tone of voice and facial expressions?
a) 7%
b) 93%
c) 50%
d) 25%
2. What can nonverbal communication include?
a) Just hand gestures.
b) Words and phrases.
c) Gestures, eye contact, and silence.
d) Reading and writing.
3. What is an example of cultural differences in nonverbal communication?
a) Men showing friendship by hugging in all cultures.
b) Men showing friendship by hugging in some cultures but not in others.
c) Eye contact being universally understood the same way.
d) Smiling meaning anger in some cultures.
4. Are you the type of person who expresses emotions with words, or do you tend to keep them unspoken?(あなたは感情を言葉で表すタイプですか。それとも口に出さないタイプですか。)
5. What types of nonverbal language are unique to Japan?(どのような非言語表現が日本独特ですか。)
6. Have you ever been confused by the difference between someone’s nonverbal expression and the words they say? If so, please describe the situation.
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 教育の重要性は過小評価されるべきではありません。
The (i———) of education cannot be overstated.
b) アーティストは作品を通じて自分の感情を表現します。
Artists (e——) their feelings through their artwork.
c) 彼女の表情は、彼女が幸せであることを示していました。
Her (f—–)(e———) showed that she was happy.
d) 私は何かがおかしいと感じます。
I can (s—-) that something is wrong.
e) 彼は感情を隠すことができませんでした。
He couldn’t hide his (e——).
f) 彼女の前向きな態度は皆に影響を与えました。
Her positive (a——-) influenced everyone.
g) その価格にはすべての税金が含まれています。
The price (i——-) all taxes.
h) 彼は3匹の犬を飼っていて、そのすべてがとても友好的です。
He has three dogs, (a–)(o-)(w—-) are very friendly.
i) 今週、天候に大きな変化がありました。
There was a (s———-) change in the weather this week.
j) 多くの果物は健康に良い。例えば、リンゴやオレンジはあなたに良いです。
Many fruits are healthy; (f–)(i——-), apples and oranges are good for you.
k) 決定を下す前に、すべての選択肢を考慮すべきです。
You should (c——-) all your options before making a decision.
l) 彼のジョークはその場に不適切と見なされました。
His joke was considered (i————) for the occasion.
m) 結論として、新しい言語を学ぶことは非常に有意義です。
(I-)(c———), learning new languages is very rewarding.
n) 水はすべての生物にとって不可欠です。
Water is (e——–) for all living things.
Lesson 3: The Aftermath of World War Ⅱ
The Aftermath of World War II
After World War II ended, Great Britain and the Allied Powers celebrated their victory, but it came at a great cost. Much of Europe was severely damaged, especially in Eastern Europe. Cities and towns were destroyed, and people were struggling to rebuild their lives. The balance of power in Europe, which had been stable for many years, was now completely changed.
In the East, Russia gained control over many countries, including Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary. In the West, the United States emerged as a powerful nation, influencing many regions from the Pacific Ocean to Europe. This was especially noticeable in Europe, where American economic and military power began to influence both politics and daily life.
In Asia, World War II weakened European colonial control, and former colonies began to demand independence. Many countries in Asia and Africa saw the changing world as a chance to gain independence from colonial control. Over the next two decades, these regions pushed to end colonialism, which had lasted for a long time.
In the end, World War II led to major global changes. Countries in Asia and Africa gained independence, and the age of European power and control began to decline. The world was now entering a new era, with the United States and Russia as the main global powers, and former colonies finding their own paths to the future.
aftermath 余波 (yoha)
They faced many challenges in the aftermath of the earthquake. (彼らは地震の余波で多くの困難に直面しました。)
Allied Powers 連合国 (rengoukoku)
The Allied Powers worked together to end the war.(連合国は戦争を終わらせるために協力しました。)
celebrate 祝う (iwau)
People gathered to celebrate the end of the war.(人々は戦争の終結を祝うために集まりました。)
victory 勝利 (shouri)
The country enjoyed a hard-won victory.(その国は手に入れた勝利を楽しみました。)
come at a great cost 大きな犠牲を伴う (ookina gisei o tomonau)
Their freedom came at a great cost.(彼らの自由は大きな犠牲を伴いました。)
severely 深刻に (shinkoku ni)
The city was severely affected by the war.(その都市は戦争によって深刻な影響を受けました。)
damage 損害を与える (songai o ataeru)
The earthquake damaged many buildings.(地震は多くの建物に損害を与えました。)
destroy 破壊する (hakai suru)
The storm destroyed houses in the area.(嵐がその地域の家々を破壊しました。)
struggle 苦労する (kurou suru)
They struggled to rebuild their lives after the war.(戦後、彼らは生活を再建するのに苦労しました。)
rebuild 再建する (saiken suru)
The community worked together to rebuild after the disaster.
stable 安定した (antei shita)
The government wants a stable economy.(政府は安定した経済を望んでいます。)
completely 完全に (kanzen ni)
The old building was completely restored.(古い建物は完全に修復されました。)
gain 得る (eru)
They gained new skills from the experience.(彼らはその経験から新しいスキルを得ました。)
emerge 現れる (arawareru)
A new leader emerged after the election.(選挙後に新しいリーダーが現れました。)
nation 国家 (kokka)
Every nation has its own culture.(すべての国家にはそれぞれの文化があります。)
influence 影響を与える (eikyou o ataeru)
Music can influence people’s emotions.(音楽は人々の感情に影響を与えることがあります。)
region 地域 (chiiki)
This region is known for its beautiful nature.(この地域は美しい自然で知られています。)
Pacific Ocean 太平洋 (taiheiyou)
Many islands are located in the Pacific Ocean.(多くの島々が太平洋に位置しています。)
noticeable 目立つ (medatsu)
There was a noticeable difference in quality.(質には目立った違いがありました。)
economic 経済の (keizai no)
The government is discussing economic policies.(政府は経済政策について議論しています。)
military 軍事の (gunji no)
They increased their military presence in the region.(彼らはその地域で軍事的な存在感を強めました。)
weaken 弱める (yowameru)
The storm weakened before reaching land.(嵐は陸地に到達する前に弱まりました。)
colony 植民地 (shokuminchi)
Many countries gained independence from their former colonies after World War II.
former 以前の (izen no)
He visited his former school last week.(彼は先週、以前の学校を訪れました。)
demand 要求する (youkyuu suru)
The workers demanded better pay.(労働者たちはより良い給料を要求しました。)
independence 独立 (dokuritsu)
The country achieved independence in 1960.(その国は1960年に独立を達成しました。)
decade 10年 (juunen)
The city changed a lot over the past decade.(その都市は過去10年で大きく変わりました。)
push to end 終わらせようとする動き (owarase you to suru ugoki)
There was a push to end the conflict.(紛争を終わらせようとする動きがありました。)
last 続く (tsuzuku)
The festival lasts for three days.(その祭りは3日間続きます。)
in the end 結局は (kekkyoku wa)
In the end, they decided to move.(結局は、彼らは引っ越しを決めました。)
decline 衰退する (suitai suru)
The empire began to decline over time.(その帝国は時間とともに衰退し始めました。)
era 時代 (jidai)
This marked the start of a new era.(これは新しい時代の始まりを示しました。)
path 道 (michi)
They chose a different path in life.(彼らは人生で異なる道を選びました。)
1. Which of the following statements best describes Europe’s condition after the Second World War?
a) Europe had fully recovered and returned to stability.
b) Europe experienced severe destruction, especially in the east.
c) European countries regained their colonial power without issue.
d) Europe saw no significant political changes after the war.
2. What role did the United States have in Europe following the war?
a) It withdrew from European affairs entirely.
b) It influenced European politics through its military and economic power.
c) It focused solely on its relationship with Russia.
d) It became neutral toward European issues.
3. What happened to the balance of power in Europe as a result of the war?
a) It was entirely restored to pre-war conditions.
b) It shifted due to new influences from the U.S. and Russia.
c) It strengthened the colonial empires in Asia and Africa.
d) It became focused only on Eastern Europe.
4. Please tell me the things you know about World War II.
5. How do you think your daily life would change if your country was suddenly become involved in a war?(もしあなたの国が突然戦争に巻き込まれたらあなたの日常生活はどう変化すると思いますか。)
6. If you were part of a community rebuilding after a disaster, what would you consider most important to restore first?(もしあなたが災害後に復興を目指している地域にいたとしたら、最初に何を復興することが最も必要だと思いますか。)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) その都市は戦争によって深刻な影響を受けました。
The city was (s——-) affected by the war.
b) 地震は多くの建物に損害を与えました。
The earthquake (d——) many buildings.
c) 嵐がその地域の家々を破壊しました。
The storm (d——–) houses in the area.
d) 戦後、彼らは生活を再建するのに苦労しました。
They (s——–) to rebuild their lives after the war.
e) 彼らはその経験から新しいスキルを得ました。
They (g—–) new skills from the experience.
f) すべての国家にはそれぞれの文化があります。
Every (n—–) has its own culture.
g) 音楽は人々の感情に影響を与えることがあります。
Music can (i——–) people’s emotions.
h) 政府は経済政策について議論しています。
The government is discussing (e——-) policies.
i) 彼らはその地域で軍事的な存在感を強めました。
They increased their (m——-) presence in the region.
j) 嵐は陸地に到達する前に弱まりました。
The storm (w——-) before reaching land.
k) 労働者たちはより良い給料を要求しました。
The workers (d——-) better pay.
l) その国は1960年に独立を達成しました。
The country achieved (i———–) in 1960.
m) その都市は過去10年で大きく変わりました。
The city changed a lot over the past (d—–).
n) その祭りは3日間続きます。
The festival (l—-) for three days.
o) 彼らは人生で異なる道を選びました。
They chose a different (p—) in life.
Lesson 4: The Role of Humor in Japanese Education
The Role of Humor in Japanese Education
In Japan, humor is not always considered a part of education, and many teachers see their main duty as preparing students for difficult entrance exams. This focus on exams often makes classrooms very serious. Some teachers believe humor is just for entertainment, like on TV, and not suitable for learning. As a result, students who laugh or make jokes in class are sometimes seen as lacking seriousness. Teachers often feel that these students are being disrespectful or wasting time, and may even reprimand them for not being serious enough.
However, creating an environment where students feel free to express themselves can have many benefits. When teachers connect with students by using a bit of humor or understanding their interests, it makes the classroom feel more welcoming and enjoyable. Laughing together can create stronger relationships, and students may feel more motivated to engage with the lesson.
Fostering a positive classroom atmosphere through humor and kindness can make learning more meaningful for students. Although it may seem small, allowing humor in class can improve communication and help students feel respected and connected. By showing students that learning can be enjoyable, teachers may inspire them to become more enthusiastic and committed to their education.
be considered と見なされる (to minasareru)
She is considered the best players in the team.(彼女はチームで最高の選手だと見なされています。)
education 教育 (kyoiku)
Education is important for everyone. (教育はすべての人にとって重要です。)
focus on 集中する (shuuchuu suru)
She focused on her studies for the exam. (彼女は試験のために勉強に集中しました。)
prepare 準備する (junbi suru)
He prepared his speech for the presentation. (彼はプレゼンのためにスピーチを準備しました。)
entrance exam 入試 (nyuugaku shiken)
Students must pass the entrance exam to enter university.
lead to ~に至る (~ni itaru)
Hard work can lead to success. (努力は成功に至ることがあります。)
serious 真剣な (shinken na)
She had a serious look on her face. (彼女は真剣な表情をしていました。)
atmosphere 雰囲気 (fun’iki)
The atmosphere in the classroom was tense. (教室の雰囲気は緊張していました。)
humor ユーモア (yu-moa)
He has a good sense of humor. (彼は良いユーモアのセンスを持っています。)
entertainment 娯楽 (goraku)
Movies are a popular form of entertainment. (映画は人気のある娯楽の一形態です。)
suitable 適切な (tekisetsu na)
This book is suitable for children. (この本は子供たちに適切です。)
because of ~のために (~no tame ni)
The event was canceled because of the rain. (雨のため、イベントはキャンセルされました。)
waste 無駄にする (mudani suru)
Don’t waste your time on useless things. (無駄なことに時間を浪費しないでください。)
disrespectful 失礼な (shitsurei na)
It is disrespectful to talk during the meeting. (会議中に話すのは失礼です。)
actually 実際に (jissai ni)
He actually passed the exam with a high score. (彼は実際に高得点で試験に合格しました。)
create 作る (tsukuru)
They created a new product to attract customers. (彼らは顧客を引き寄せるため新商品を作りました。)
environment 環境 (kankyou)
A clean environment is important for health. (清潔な環境は健康にとって重要です。)
interest 興味 (kyoumi)
She has a strong interest in history. (彼女は歴史に強い興味を持っています。)
share 共有する (kyouyu suru)
They shared their ideas during the meeting. (彼らは会議中に自分たちのアイデアを共有しました。)
improve 改善する (kaizen suru)
He worked hard to improve his skills. (彼は自分のスキルを改善するために一生懸命働きました。)
relationship 関係 (kankei)
She has a good relationship with her colleagues. (彼女は同僚との良い関係を築いています。)
motivate 動機を与える (douki o ataeru)
The teacher motivated the students to do their best.
participate in 参加する (sanka suru)
She participated in the school play. (彼女は学校の劇に参加しました。)
comfortable 快適な (kaiteki na)
The room was very comfortable and warm. (部屋はとても快適で暖かかったです。)
willing to 喜んで~する (yorokonnde~suru)
He is willing to help his classmates. (彼は喜んでクラスメートを助けます。)
engage 関与する (kan’yo suru)
She engaged in the discussion about the new project.
allow 許可する (kyoka suru)
The school allows students to use laptops in class.
enjoyable 楽しい (tanoshii)
The concert was very enjoyable. (コンサートはとても楽しかったです。)
respect 尊敬する (sonkei suru)
He respects his teachers and classmates. (彼は先生やクラスメートを尊敬しています。)
enthusiasm 熱意 (netsui)
She showed great enthusiasm for the project.
(彼女はそのプロジェクトに対して大きな熱意を示しました。)commitment 尽力 (jinryoku)
His commitment to the team was impressive. (彼のチームへの尽力は素晴らしかったです。
1. Why do some Japanese teachers avoid using humor in the classroom?
a) They think humor will make students happy.
b) They believe humor is only for entertainment, not education.
c) They want students to express their emotions more openly.
d) They think students will respect them more if they use humor.
2. How can humor and kindness affect a classroom environment?
a) They help students become more focused on exams.
b) They make students feel more welcome and engaged in learning.
c) They increase the seriousness of the classroom.
d) They encourage students to complete more homework.
3. What is one benefit of allowing students to laugh and express themselves in class?
a) It makes students stop participating in lessons.
b) It encourages students to be more enthusiastic about their education.
c) It makes the classroom less respectful.
d) It leads students to become more focused on exams.
4. Describe the teacher you liked the most so far and the teacher you liked the least.
5. Do you think humor can help build a good relationship between students and teachers? Why or why not?(ユーモアは生徒と先生の間に良い関係を作るのに役立つと思いますか。それはなぜですか。)
6. In your opinion, should teachers focus only on preparing students for exams, or is it also important to create an enjoyable learning environment?(あなたの意見では、先生は試験のために準備することに集中するべきだと思いますか。それとも楽しく学べる環境を作ることも重要だと思いますか。)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女はチームで最高の選手だと見なされています。
She (i-)(c———) the best player on the team.
b) 教育はすべての人にとって重要です。
(E——–) is important for everyone.
c) 彼女は試験のために勉強に集中しました。
She (f——)(o-) her studies for the exam.
d) 彼はプレゼンのためにスピーチを準備しました。
He (p——-) his speech for the presentation.
e) 教室の雰囲気は緊張していました。
The (a———) in the classroom was tense.
f) 雨のため、イベントはキャンセルされました。
The event was canceled (b——)(o-) the rain.
g) 無駄なことに時間を浪費しないでください。
Don’t (w—-) your time on useless things.
h) 彼らは顧客を引き寄せるため新商品を作りました。
They (c——) a new product to attract customers.
i) 清潔な環境は健康にとって重要です。
A clean (e———-) is important for health.
j) 彼女は歴史に強い興味を持っています。
She has a strong (i——-) in history.
k) 彼は自分のスキルを改善するために一生懸命働きました。
He worked hard to (i——) his skills.
l) 彼女は同僚との良い関係を築いています。
She has a good (r———–) with her colleagues.
m) 彼女は学校の劇に参加しました。
She (p———–)(i-) the school play.
n) 部屋はとても快適で暖かかったです。
The room was very (c———-) and warm.
o) 彼は喜んでクラスメートを助けます。
He (i-)(w——)(t-) help his classmates.
p) 学校は生徒たちに授業中にノートパソコンを使うことを許可しています。
The school (a—–) students to use laptops in class.
q) 彼は先生やクラスメートを尊敬しています。
He (r——-) his teachers and classmates.
r) 彼女はそのプロジェクトに対して大きな熱意を示しました。
She showed great (e———) for the project.
Lesson 5: Are Gender Roles in Families Changing?
Are Gender Roles in Families Changing?
In recent years, there has been more talk about the idea of fathers staying home to care for children while mothers concentrate on their careers.
However, this type of “role reversal” is still uncommon. Some people believe that women are naturally better at raising children, while others think that men hold onto traditional roles because it is easier for them to follow these expectations. Men who take leave from work to care for their children often describe the experience as difficult, saying that the isolation of being a stay-at-home dad was the hardest part.
The idea of men taking on caregiving roles became popular in the 1970s, but it has not become as common as some expected. A recent report from the Family Policy Studies Center shows that, even with more women working outside the home, women still do most of the housework and child-care duties. This suggests that traditional roles are still strong in many families.
While some believe mothers are naturally better at taking care of children, others think that men could take on these responsibilities with the right support. Although society’s views on gender roles have changed a lot, role reversal remains rare. In the future, if more families try different roles and responsibilities, perhaps stay-at-home dads will become more common.
gender 性別 (seibetsu)
Gender can affect career opportunities. (性別がキャリアの機会に影響することがあります。)
role 役割 (yakuwari)
Each team member has an important role. (チームの各メンバーには重要な役割があります。)
recent 最近の (saikin no)
There have been recent changes in the company. (会社に最近の変化がありました。)
care for 世話をする (sewa o suru)
She cares for her elderly parents. (彼女は年老いた両親の世話をしています。)
while ~している間 (shiteiru aida)、 〜な一方で(na ippou de)
Some people like living in the city, while others prefer the countryside.
I read a book while waiting. (待っている間に本を読みました。)
concentrate on 集中する (shuuchuu suru)
He concentrated on his studies for the test. (彼は試験のために勉強に集中しました。)
career 経歴 (keireki)
She has a successful career in medicine. (彼女は医療分野で成功した経歴を持っています。)
role reversal 役割の逆転 (yakuwari no gyakuten)
Role reversal can change family dynamics. (役割の逆転が家族の関係を変えることがあります。)
uncommon 珍しい (mezurashii)
It’s uncommon to see such a big cat. (こんなに大きな猫は珍しいです。)
be better at ~がより得意である (ga yori tokui de aru)
She is better at math than her brother. (彼女は兄よりも数学が得意です。)
raise a child 子供を育てる (kodomo o sodateru)
Raising a child requires patience. (子供を育てるには忍耐が必要です。)
hold on to 固執する (koshitsu suru)
He held on to his opinion. (彼は自分の意見に固執しました。)
traditional expectation 伝統的な期待 (dentouteki na kitai)
Traditional expectations can be hard to change. (伝統的な期待は変えるのが難しいことがあります。)
take leave from work 仕事を休む (shigoto o yasumu)
She took leave from work to travel. (彼女は旅行のために仕事を休みました。)
describe 説明する (setsumei suru)
He described the event in detail. (彼はその出来事を詳しく説明しました。)
isolation 孤立 (koritsu)
Many people feel isolation in a new city. (多くの人が新しい街で孤立を感じます。)
take on 引き受ける (hikiukeru)
He took on new responsibilities at work. (彼は仕事で新しい責任を引き受けました。)
caregiving 世話 (sewa)
Caregiving for children can be physically and emotionally demanding.
housework 家事 (kaji)
They share housework responsibilities. (彼らは家事の責任を分担しています。)
duty 義務 (gimu)
It is his duty to help his parents. (彼には両親を助ける義務があります。)
suggest 提案する (teian suru)
I suggest we leave early. (早く出発することを提案します。)
responsibility 責任 (sekinin)
He has a strong sense of responsibility. (彼は強い責任感を持っています。)
perhaps おそらく (osoraku)
Perhaps she will come tomorrow. (おそらく彼女は明日来るでしょう。)
1. What is one reason that being a stay-at-home dad can be challenging?
a) Fathers feel isolated while staying at home.
b) Fathers are not capable of housework.
c) Fathers do not receive financial support.
d) Fathers are unable to bond with their children.
2. What does the Family Policy Studies Center report suggest?
a) More women are doing most of the housework and child-care duties.
b) Men are now doing most of the housework and child-care duties.
c) The idea of fathers staying home to care for children is becoming more common.
d) Gender roles in families have completely changed.
3. What is a possible reason why role reversal is still rare, according to the essay?
a) Men do not have the ability to take care of children.
b) Many families still follow traditional gender roles.
c) Women are more interested in the housework and child-care duties.
d) Women generally prefer to stay at home rather than work outside.
4. In your country, who does more of the housework, men or women? What do you think the ratio is? Also, what do you think about that ratio?(あなたの国では男と女のどちらがたくさん家事をしますか。その割合は何対何くらいだと思いますか。また、その割合についてどう思いますか。)
5. Do you think women are naturally better suited for raising children and doing housework?
6. What do you think needs to change in order to fairly share childcare and housework?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) チームの各メンバーには重要な役割があります。
Each team member has an important (r—).
b) 会社に最近の変化がありました。
There have been (r—–) changes in the company.
c) 彼女は年老いた両親の世話をしています。
She (c—-)(f–) her elderly parents.
d) 一部の人は都市に住むのが好きな一方で、他の人は田舎を好みます。
Some people like living in the city, (w—-) others prefer the countryside.
e) 彼は試験のために勉強に集中しました。
He (c———–)(o-) his studies for the test.
f) こんなに大きな猫は珍しいです。
It’s (u——-) to see such a big cat.
g) 彼女は兄よりも数学が得意です。
She (i-)(b—–)(a-) math than her brother.
h) 子供を育てるには忍耐が必要です。
(R——) a child requires patience.
i) 彼はその出来事を詳しく説明しました。
He (d——–) the event in detail.
j) 彼は仕事で新しい責任を引き受けました。
He (t—)(o-) new responsibilities at work.
k) 彼には両親を助ける義務があります。
It is his (d—) to help his parents.
l) 早く出発することを提案します。
I (s——) we leave early.
m) 彼は強い責任感を持っています。
He has a strong sense of (r————-).
n) おそらく彼女は明日来るでしょう。
(P——) she will come tomorrow.
Lesson 6: Japan’s Economic Challenges
Japan’s Economic Challenges
In Japan today, there is much discussion about the country’s financial issues, especially regarding its large fiscal deficit. The government has borrowed a lot of money from the public to fund various public projects, such as building roads, bridges, and airports. However, many of these projects do not make enough money to repay the loans. This situation has led some people to believe that the government should reduce its spending on these projects. They feel that the debt caused by excessive borrowing is harmful to Japan’s economy.
On the other hand, there are those who argue that increasing government spending is actually necessary to improve Japan’s economy. They believe that projects like roads and bridges are valuable, even if they do not directly repay the borrowed money, because they benefit the public in many other ways. Supporters of this view argue that Japan should focus on improving its tax system, so there is enough money to fund necessary projects without having to borrow excessively.
Apart from spending, Japan also faces challenges in adapting to globalization. In a world where countries are becoming more connected, Japan must find ways to compete internationally while maintaining the trust of the global community. In the past, Japan often adopted Western culture, science, and technology to grow its economy. However, now Japan must find ways to contribute to global peace and prosperity while staying economically strong.
Japan’s future depends on making wise decisions regarding government spending and adapting to globalization. These issues are crucial as the country works to build a strong and stable economy in a rapidly changing world.
discussion 議論 (giron)
They had a discussion about the project. (彼らはそのプロジェクトについて議論しました。)
financial 財政の (zaisei no)
The company is facing financial difficulties. (その会社は財政的な困難に直面しています。)
issue 問題 (mondai)
Pollution is a serious issue in many cities. (多くの都市で汚染は深刻な問題です。)
especially 特に (toku ni)
I like sports, especially soccer. (私はスポーツが好きです。特にサッカーが好きです。)
regarding 〜に関して (ni kanshite)
There are many opinions regarding this topic. (このテーマに関して多くの意見があります。)
fiscal 財政の (zaisei no)
The government is working on fiscal reforms. (政府は財政改革に取り組んでいます。)
deficit 赤字 (akaji)
The company is struggling with a large deficit. (その会社は大きな赤字に苦しんでいます。)
government 政府 (seifu)
The government made a new policy. (政府は新しい政策を作りました。)
fund 資金を提供する (shikin o teikyou suru)
The government decided to fund various projects.
various さまざまな (samazamana)
She has worked in various jobs. (彼女はさまざまな仕事に従事してきました。)
repay the loan 借金を返済する (shakkin o hensai suru)
He struggled to repay the loan. (彼は借金を返済するのに苦労しました。)
situation 状況 (joukyou)
The situation has improved recently. (最近状況が改善されました。)
reduce 減らす (herasu)
They are trying to reduce expenses. (彼らは経費を減らそうとしています。)
debt 借金 (shakkin)
She is working hard to pay off her debt. (彼女は借金を返済するために一生懸命働いています。)
caused by 〜によって引き起こされた (ni yotte hikiokosareta)
The damage caused by the storm was severe. (その嵐によって引き起こされた被害は深刻だった。)
excessive 過度の (kado no)
Excessive eating is not healthy. (過度の食事は健康によくありません。)
harmful 有害な (yuugai na)
Smoking is harmful to health. (喫煙は健康に有害です。)
economy 経済 (keizai)
The economy is growing. (経済は成長しています。)
on the other hand 一方で (ippou de)
I like summer. On the other hand, winter is also nice. (私は夏が好きです。一方で冬も良いです。)
those who 〜する人々 (suru hitobito)
Those who work hard will succeed. (一生懸命働く人々は成功します。)
argue 主張する (shuchou suru)
They argue that more funds are needed. (彼らはもっと資金が必要だと主張しています。)
increase 増やす (fuyasu)
They plan to increase the budget. (彼らは予算を増やす予定です。)
necessary 必要な (hitsuyou na)
Water is necessary for life. (水は生命に必要です。)
improve 改善する (kaizen suru)
They want to improve their skills. (彼らは自分のスキルを改善したいと考えています。)
valuable 貴重な (kichou na)
Time is valuable. (時間は貴重です。)
even if たとえ〜でも (tatoe〜demo)
I’ll go for a walk even if it rains. (たとえ雨が降っても散歩に行きます。)
directly 直接に (chokusetsu ni)
She spoke directly to the manager. (彼女は直接マネージャーに話しました。)
benefit 利益 (rieki)
Exercise has many health benefits. (運動には多くの健康上の利益があります。)
in other ways 他の方法で (hoka no houhou de)
We can solve the problem in other ways. (他の方法でその問題を解決できます。)
apart from 〜以外に (igai ni)
Apart from sports, I like music. (スポーツ以外に音楽も好きです。)
adapt to 適応する (tekiou suru)
Animals adapt to their environment. (動物は環境に適応します。)
in a word 一言で言えば (hitokoto de ieba)
In a word, the plan failed. (一言で言えば、その計画は失敗しました。)
compete 競争する (kyousou suru)
They compete in the global market. (彼らは国際市場で競争しています。)
internationally 国際的に (kokusaiteki ni)
The company operates internationally. (その会社は国際的に事業を展開しています。)
maintain 維持する (iji suru)
We need to maintain our quality standards. (私たちは品質基準を維持する必要があります。)
trust 信頼 (shinrai)
Trust is important in relationships. (信頼は人間関係で重要です。)
in the past 過去に (kako ni)
He was famous in the past. (彼は過去に有名でした。)
adopt 採用する (saiyou suru)
They adopted a new method. (彼らは新しい方法を採用しました。)
contribute to 〜に貢献する (ni kouken suru)
Education contributes to society. (教育は社会に貢献します。)
prosperity 繁栄 (han’ei)
Peace brings prosperity. (平和は繁栄をもたらします。)
depend on 依存する (izon suru)
We depend on clean water. (私たちはきれいな水に依存しています。)
wise decision 賢明な決断 (kenmei na ketsudan)
It was a wise decision to save money. (お金を貯めるのは賢明な決断でした。)
crucial 重要な (juuyou na)
Good communication is crucial for teamwork.
stable 安定した (antei shita)
He has a stable job. (彼は安定した仕事を持っています。)
rapidly 急速に (kyuusoku ni)
Technology is advancing rapidly. (技術は急速に進化しています。)
1. What is one of the issues the Japanese government is facing according to the essay?
a) The government has borrowed too little money.
b) There is a shortage of public works projects.
c) The government’s borrowing is unable to be repaid.
d) The government has no public support for its projects.
2. What do some people believe regarding government spending in Japan?
a)Spending should be reduced.
b) Government spending should continue without any changes.
c) Government spending is unnecessary for the economy.
d) The government should focus on paying off debts first.
3. What does the essay suggest is a key factor in Japan’s economic future?
a) Returning to traditional economic methods.
b) Maintaining a closed economy.
c) The need to adapt to globalization.
d) Focusing solely on the local market.
4. Do you trust the government of your country? Why or why not?
5. What do you think about how the government spends money?
6. Do you agree with the need to adapt to globalization? Why or why not?
( グローバル化に適応する必要があるという意見に賛成ですか?それはなぜですか。)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
The company is struggling with a large (d——).
b) 政府は新しい政策を作りました。
The (g———) made a new policy.
c) 彼女はさまざまな仕事に従事してきました。
She has worked in (v——) jobs.
d) 最近状況が改善されました。
The (s——–) has improved recently.
e) 彼らは経費を減らそうとしています。
They are trying to (r—–) expenses.
f) 彼女は借金を返済するために一生懸命働いています。
She is working hard to pay off her (d—).
g) 経済は成長しています。
The (e——) is growing.
h) 私は夏が好きです。一方で冬も良いです。
I like summer. (O-)(t–)(o—-)(h—), winter is also nice.
i) 一生懸命働く人々は成功します。
(T—-)(w–) work hard will succeed.
j) 彼らは予算を増やす予定です。
They plan to (i——-) the budget.
k) たとえ雨が降っても散歩に行きます。
I’ll go for a walk (e—)(i-) it rains.
l) 運動には多くの健康上の利益があります。
Exercise has many health (b——-).
m) 動物は環境に適応します。
Animals (a—-)(t-) their environment.
n) 彼らは国際市場で競争しています。
They (c——) in the global market.
o) 信頼は人間関係で重要です。
(T—-) is important in relationships.
p) 彼は過去に有名でした。
He was famous (i-)(t–)(p—).
q) 彼らは新しい方法を採用しました。
They (a——) a new method.
r) 教育は社会に貢献します。
Education (c———-)(t-) society.
s) 私たちはきれいな水に依存しています。
We (d—–)(o-) clean water.
t) 技術は急速に進化しています。
Technology is advancing (r——).
Lesson 7: A Growing Movement Against Smoking
A Growing Movement Against Smoking
Across America, millions of smokers are participating in an annual anti-smoking campaign organized by the American Cancer Society. Last year, many smokers succeeded in quitting for the day, and this year, the campaign has added a new feature: a 24-hour “hotline.” Smokers can call in and receive encouraging messages from leading doctors, providing moral support to help them resist the urge to smoke.
In San Francisco, a different approach to discouraging smoking is being taken. Instead of focusing on the health risks, the city is emphasizing civil rights, particularly the rights of non-smokers. A recent law requires employers to create “smoke-free zones” in their workplaces. If even one non-smoker objects, smoking must be completely banned in the workplace. Employers who do not comply with the law face a fine of $500 per day.
This law aims to balance the rights of smokers and non-smokers. A public health inspector has been appointed to investigate complaints. While some fear a conflict between smokers and non-smokers, the general expectation is that mutual respect and courtesy will guide the situation. Smokers are becoming more aware of the harm caused by secondhand smoke and are increasingly respectful of the rights of others. Although there are still some individuals who ignore these rules, the majority of people are trying to get along. In fact, many “No Smoking” signs now say, “Thank you for not smoking,” reflecting a mood of cooperation and consideration.
As anti-smoking campaigns continue to grow, it is clear that the focus is shifting towards creating a healthier, more respectful environment for everyone.
participate in 参加する (sanka suru)
She will participate in the meeting. (彼女はその会議に参加します。)
annual 毎年の (maitoshi no)
The company holds an annual event. (その会社は毎年イベントを開催します。)
anti-smoking campaign 禁煙キャンペーン (kin’en kyanpēn)
The anti-smoking campaign started last month. (禁煙キャンペーンは先月始まりました。)
organize 組織する (soshiki suru)
They will organize a charity event. (彼らはチャリティーイベントを組織します。)
cancer がん (gan)
She is raising awareness about cancer. (彼女はがんについての意識を高めています。)
society 社会 (shakai)
We live in a diverse society. (私たちは多様な社会に住んでいます。)
succeed in 〜に成功する (ni seikou suru)
He succeeded in passing the exam. (彼は試験に合格するのに成功しました。)
quit やめる (yameru)
She quit her job last month. (彼女は先月仕事をやめました。)
add 追加する (tsuika suru)
They added a new feature to the app. (彼らはアプリに新機能を追加しました。)
feature 機能 (kinou)
The app has a new feature for tracking your steps. (そのアプリには歩数を記録する新しい機能があります。)
receive 受け取る (uketoru)
She received a gift from her friend. (彼女は友達からプレゼントを受け取りました。)
encourage 励ます (hagemasu)
Teachers encourage students to do their best. (先生たちは生徒たちに最善を尽くすよう励まします。)
leading 一流の (ichiryuu no)
He is a leading scientist in his field. (彼はその分野の一流の科学者です。)
provide 提供する (teikyou suru)
The school provides free meals to students. (その学校は生徒に無料の食事を提供します。)
moral 道徳的な (doutokuteki na)
It is a moral issue. (それは道徳的な問題です。)
resist 抵抗する (teikou suru)
He couldn’t resist eating the cake. (彼はそのケーキを食べるのを我慢できませんでした。)
urge to 〜への強い欲求 (〜 e no tsuyoi yokkyuu)
He felt an urge to eat something sweet. (彼は何か甘いものを食べたいという強い欲求を感じました。)
discourage 思いとどまらせる (omoitodomara seru)
She discouraged him from quitting his job. (彼女は彼が仕事を辞めるのを思いとどまらせました。)
instead of 〜の代わりに (〜no kawari ni)
We walked instead of taking the bus. (私たちはバスに乗る代わりに歩きました。)
focus on 集中する (shuuchuu suru)
She wants to focus on her studies. (彼女は勉強に集中したいです。)
emphasize 強調する (kyouchou suru)
The teacher emphasized the importance of reading. (先生は読書の重要性を強調しました。)
civil right 公民権 (kouminken)
Civil rights are essential for a fair society. (公民権は公平な社会にとって重要です。)
particularly 特に (toku ni)
I like fruits, particularly apples. (私は果物が好きです。特にリンゴが好きです。)
recent 最近の (saikin no)
I read a recent article about climate change. (私は気候変動に関する最近の記事を読みました。)
require 要求する (youkyuu suru)
This job requires strong communication skills. (この仕事は高いコミュニケーション能力を要求します。)
employer 雇用主 (koyounushi)
The employer gave all workers a bonus. (雇用主は全労働者にボーナスを与えました。)
object 反対する (hantai suru)
Some people object to the new policy. (一部の人々は新しい政策に反対しています。)
completely 完全に (kanzen ni)
The room was completely silent. (部屋は完全に静かでした。)
ban 禁止する (kinshi suru)
The school banned the use of phones in class. (学校は授業中の携帯電話の使用を禁止しました。)
comply with the law 法に従う (hou ni shitagau)
All citizens must comply with the law. (全ての市民は法に従わなければなりません。)
face a fine of 〜の罰金を科される (〜no bakkin o kasareru)
They faced a fine of $500 for breaking the law. (彼らは法律を破ったことで500ドルの罰金を科されました。)
per day 1日あたり (ichi-nichi atari)
He earns $100 per day. (彼は1日あたり100ドル稼ぎます。)
aim to 〜を目指す (〜o mezasu)
We aim to improve customer satisfaction. (私たちは顧客満足度の向上を目指します。)
inspector 検査官 (kensakan)
The inspector checked the safety of the building. (検査官は建物の安全性を確認しました。)
appoint to 〜に任命する (〜ni ninmei suru)
She was appointed to the board of directors. (彼女は役員会に任命されました。)
investigate 調査する (chousa suru)
The police are investigating the case. (警察はその事件を調査しています。)
complaint 苦情 (kujou)
The company received many complaints about the service. (その会社はサービスについて多くの苦情を受けました。)
fear 恐れる (osoreru)
Many people fear the effects of global warming. (多くの人々が地球温暖化の影響を恐れています。)
conflict 対立 (tairitsu)
There is a conflict between the two groups. (その2つのグループの間には対立があります。)
general 一般的な (ippanteki na)
This is a general rule for everyone. (これは全員に共通する一般的なルールです。)
expectation 期待 (kitai)
She has high expectations for the project. (彼女はそのプロジェクトに大きな期待を寄せています。)
mutual respect 相互尊重 (sougosocho)
Mutual respect is important in teamwork. (チームワークでは相互尊重が重要です。)
courtesy 礼儀 (reigi)
Showing courtesy to others is essential. (他人に礼儀を示すことは重要です。)
guide the situation 状況を導く (joukyou o michibiku)
The leader helped guide the situation. (リーダーが状況を導きました。)
be aware of 〜に気付いている (〜ni kizuiteiru)
She is aware of the problem. (彼女はその問題に気付いています。)
harm 害 (gai)
Smoking causes harm to your health. (喫煙は健康に害を及ぼします。)
secondhand smoke 副流煙 (fukuryuu-en)
Secondhand smoke is dangerous for children. (副流煙は子どもたちにとって危険です。)
individual 個人 (kojin)
Each individual has different preferences. (各個人には異なる好みがあります。)
ignore 無視する (mushi suru)
He ignored the warning signs. (彼は警告のサインを無視しました。)
majority 多数 (tasuu)
The majority of people agreed with the decision. (大多数の人々がその決定に賛成しました。)
get along 仲良くする (nakayoku suru)
They get along well with their neighbors. (彼らは近所の人たちと仲良くしています。)
in fact 実際に (jissai ni)
In fact, he is older than he looks. (実際に彼は見た目より年上です。)
reflect 反映する (han’ei suru)
The changes in the policy reflect the opinions of the employees.(その方針の変更は従業員の意見を反映しています。)
cooperation 協力 (kyouryoku)
We achieved the goal through cooperation. (私たちは協力を通じて目標を達成しました。)
consideration 配慮 (hairyo)
Please show consideration for others. (他人への配慮をお願いします。)
continue to 〜し続ける (〜shi tsudzukeru)
She continues to work on her project. (彼女はプロジェクトに取り組み続けています。)
shift towards 〜に向かって移行する (〜ni mukatte ikou suru)
The company is shifting towards renewable energy. (その会社は再生可能エネルギーに向かって移行しています。)
respectful 敬意を払う (keii o harau)
He was always respectful to his teachers.(彼はいつも先生に敬意を払っていました。)
environment 環境 (kankyou)
We must protect the natural environment.(私たちは自然環境を守らなければなりません。)
1Why did the Cancer Society add a 24-hour hotline to their anti-smoking campaign?
To provide medical advice for quitting smoking.
To offer recorded messages of encouragement.
To organize support groups for smokers.
To help smokers find job opportunities.
2. What happens if an employer does not comply with the new smoking law in San Francisco?
The employer must provide financial support to smokers.
The employer faces a fine of $500 per day.
The employer must offer free health check-ups.
The employer is required to offer smoking breaks.
3. According to the essay, how do most smokers feel about their behavior?
They are more respectful of non-smokers’ rights.
They are unaware of the harm caused by secondhand smoke.
They continue to smoke in public places.
They feel that smoking is their personal right.
4. What do you think about smoking? Do you enjoy smoking, or do you want to try smoking in the future?(あなたは喫煙についてどう思いますか。タバコを吸うことが好きですか。または将来タバコを吸いたいですか。)
5. Do you have any habits you want to quit but find hard to stop? Or did you have any in the past? What are they?(あなたはやめたいのになかなか辞められない習慣がありますか。または過去にありましたか。それは何ですか)
6. Do you think laws like the one in San Francisco are necessary to protect non-smokers? Why or why not?(サンフランシスコのような非喫煙者を保護するための法律は必要だと思いますか?その理由は何ですか?)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
She will (p———-)(i-) the meeting.
b) 彼女はがんについての意識を高めています。
She is raising awareness about (c—–).
c) 私たちは多様な社会に住んでいます。
We live in a diverse (s——).
d) 彼は試験に合格するのに成功しました。
He (s——–)(i-) passing the exam.
e) 先生たちは生徒たちに最善を尽くすよう励まします。
Teachers (e——–) students to do their best.
f) その学校は生徒に無料の食事を提供します。
The school (p——-) free meals to students.
g) 私たちはバスに乗る代わりに歩きました。
We walked (i——)(o-) taking the bus.
h) 彼女は勉強に集中したいです。
She wants to (f—-)(o-) her studies.
i) 先生は読書の重要性を強調しました。
The teacher (e———) the importance of reading.
j) この仕事は高いコミュニケーション能力を要求します。
This job (r——-) strong communication skills.
k) 一部の人々は新しい政策に反対しています。
Some people (o—–) to the new policy.
l) 喫煙は健康に害を及ぼします。
Smoking causes (h—) to your health.
m) 各個人には異なる好みがあります。
Each (i———) has different preferences.
n) 実際に彼は見た目より年上です。
(I-)(f—), he is older than he looks.
o) 私たちは自然環境を守らなければなりません。
We must protect the natural (e———-).
Lesson 8: The Impact of Global Warming
The Impact of Global Warming
Everyone talks about the weather, but not everyone realizes how much humans are affecting it. Scientists have observed unusual changes in the earth’s climate, and many believe these changes are caused by human activities.
In the 1960s, some scientists predicted that a new ice age might begin before the year 2000. However, later studies showed the opposite: the earth’s surface has been warming more than ever before. This warming is a result of pollution caused by humans. Problems like smog, acid rain, and deforestation are clear examples of how we are damaging the environment.
All living things rely on the earth’s natural systems, such as the atmosphere and oceans. These systems work together to maintain balance. When we harm these systems, we put our survival at risk. One of the biggest issues is the greenhouse effect, which has become a major topic in recent decades. The greenhouse effect causes global warming, leading to severe changes in the earth’s climate.
If global warming continues, it could result in rising sea levels, extreme weather, and harm to many species. Scientists warn that immediate action is necessary to protect the planet. Everyone can help by reducing pollution, conserving energy, and protecting forests.
By understanding the impact of global warming and taking steps to stop it, we can help save the earth for future generations.
realize 気づく (kizuku)
She suddenly realized her mistake. (彼女は突然自分の間違いに気づきました。)
affect 影響を与える (eikyou o ataeru)
The weather can affect your mood. (天気はあなたの気分に影響を与えることがあります。)
observe 観察する (kansatsu suru)
Scientists observe stars with telescopes. (科学者たちは望遠鏡で星を観察します。)
climate 気候 (kikou)
The climate here is hot and humid. (ここの気候は暑くて湿気があります。)
predict 予測する (yosoku suru)
Experts predict heavy rain tomorrow. (専門家たちは明日大雨を予測しています。)
opposite 反対の (hantai no)
They have opposite opinions about the project. (彼らはそのプロジェクトについて反対の意見を持っています。)
surface 表面 (hyoumen)
The surface of the lake was calm. (湖の表面は穏やかでした。)
more than ever before 以前よりもさらに (izen yori mo sara ni)
People are traveling more than ever before. (人々は以前よりもさらに旅行をしています。)
result 結果 (kekka)
The result of the test was surprising. (そのテストの結果は驚くべきものでした。)
pollution 汚染 (osen)
Air pollution is a serious problem in big cities. (大都市では大気汚染が深刻な問題です。)
acid rain 酸性雨 (sansei u)
Acid rain damages forests and lakes. (酸性雨は森林や湖を損傷します。)
deforestation 森林伐採 (shinrin bassai)
Deforestation leads to habitat loss. (森林伐採は生息地の喪失につながります。)
rely on 〜に頼る (ni tayoru)
We rely on technology for communication. (私たちはコミュニケーションに技術を頼っています。)
atmosphere 大気 (taiki)
The earth’s atmosphere protects us from harmful rays.
maintain 維持する (iji suru)
We need to maintain our health. (私たちは健康を維持する必要があります。)
put – at risk 〜を危険にさらす (o kiken ni sarasu)
Smoking puts your health at risk. (喫煙は健康を危険にさらします。)
issue 問題 (mondai)
Climate change is a global issue. (気候変動は世界的な問題です。)
greenhouse effect 温室効果 (onshitsu kouka)
The greenhouse effect is causing global warming. (温室効果が地球温暖化を引き起こしています。)
decade 10年間 (juunenkan)
Over the past decade, technology has advanced rapidly.
sea level 海面 (kaimen)
Rising sea levels are threatening coastal cities. (海面の上昇が沿岸都市を脅かしています。)
extreme 極端な (kyokutan na)
The area has extreme weather conditions. (その地域には極端な天候があります。)
species 種 (shu)
Many species are in danger of extinction. (多くの種が絶滅の危機に瀕しています。)
warn 警告する (keikoku suru)
Scientists warn about the effects of global warming.
immediate 即座の (sokuza no)
We need immediate action to solve the problem. (問題を解決するために即座の行動が必要です。)
reduce 減らす (herasu)
We should reduce our energy consumption. (私たちはエネルギー消費を減らすべきです。)
conserve 保存する (hozon suru)
It’s important to conserve water. (水を保存することは重要です。)
impact 影響 (eikyou)
Climate change has a huge impact on agriculture. (気候変動は農業に大きな影響を与えます。)
generation 世代 (sedai)
The younger generation is more aware of environmental issues.
1. What is the main cause of the earth’s warming, according to the essay?
a) Changes in the earth’s orbit.
b) Pollution caused by human activity.
c) The natural processes of the earth.
d) A decrease in the amount of sunlight reaching the earth
2. What was the prediction made by scientists in the 1960s?
a) That the earth would cool down and enter a new ice age.
b) That the earth’s temperature would stay the same.
c) That the earth would warm up dramatically.
d) That pollution would decrease significantly.
3. According to the essay, what is the most threatening environmental danger today?
a) The destruction of forests.
b) The pollution of lakes and rivers.
c) The greenhouse effect and global warming.
d) The extinction of species.
4. Have you ever noticed climate change where you live? What changes have you noticed?
5. How do people can do to reduce pollution in their everyday lives?
6. How do you feel about the idea of global warming affecting your future? Are you worried or optimistic?(地球温暖化が自分の未来に影響を与えることについてどう感じますか?心配ですか、それとも楽観的ですか?)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女は突然自分の間違いに気づきました。
She suddenly (r——-) her mistake.
b) 天気はあなたの気分に影響を与えることがあります。
The weather can (a—–) your mood.
c) 科学者たちは望遠鏡で星を観察します。
Scientists (o——) stars with telescopes.
d) ここの気候は暑くて湿気があります。
The (c——) here is hot and humid.
e) 専門家たちは明日大雨を予測しています。
Experts (p——) heavy rain tomorrow.
f) 彼らはそのプロジェクトについて反対の意見を持っています。
They have (o——-) opinions about the project.
g) 湖の表面は穏やかでした。
The (s——) of the lake was calm.
h) そのテストの結果は驚くべきものでした。
The (r—–) of the test was surprising.
i) 大都市では大気汚染が深刻な問題です。
Air (p——–) is a serious problem in big cities.
j) 私たちはコミュニケーションに技術を頼っています。
We (r—)(o-) technology for communication.
k) 地球の大気は有害な光線から私たちを守ります。
The earth’s (a———) protects us from harmful rays.
l) 私たちは健康を維持する必要があります。
We need to (m——-) our health.
m) 気候変動は世界的な問題です。
Climate change is a global (i—-).
n) 過去10年間で技術が急速に進歩しました。
Over the past (d—–), technology has advanced rapidly.
o) 多くの種が絶滅の危機に瀕しています。
Many (s——) are in danger of extinction.
p) 私たちはエネルギー消費をべきです。
We should (r—–) our減らすenergy consumption.
q) 気候変動は農業に大きな影響を与えます。
Climate change has a huge (i—–) on agriculture.
r) 若い世代は環境問題により関心を持っています。
The younger (g———) is more aware of environmental issues.
Lesson 9: The Evolution of Communication in the Age of Technology
The Evolution of Communication in the Age of Technology
In today’s world, age is often used to give people a quick identity. The world we live in is often referred to as the “Information Age” because we have access to opportunities that were once only imagined. The invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell and the radio in the 1890s by Guglielmo Marconi marked the true beginning of mass communications. Today, computers have taken communication to levels beyond what Bell and Marconi could have imagined.
We now expect instant communication at any time. Not only do we have advanced telephone systems at home and at work, but with mobile phones, we can chat with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Furthermore, we use computers at home to help with all kinds of tasks. For example, if you need information, why should you go to the library when you can simply surf the net? The internet allows us to access data instantly, like a surfer riding the waves, but instead of water, we’re riding through the vast ocean of knowledge stored on computers.
However, some critics argue that new technology makes us more isolated, as we focus on screens instead of interacting with people face-to-face. But like all technology, it’s up to us how we use it. If you want to stay connected, you can use the internet in a social way. You can chat with new contacts, share ideas, or even visit a growing number of cybercafes. At a cybercafe, you can use a computer while enjoying a cup of coffee and meet other users, blending technology with social interaction.
In conclusion, technology can bring us closer together or keep us apart. The choice is ours.
evolution 進化 (shinka)
The evolution of technology has changed our lives. (技術の進化は私たちの生活を変えました。)
refer to as 〜と呼ぶ (〜to yobu)
This process is referred to as “globalization.” (このプロセスは「グローバル化」と呼ばれます。)
have access to 〜にアクセスできる (〜ni akusesu dekiru)
Many people have access to the internet today.
opportunity 機会 (kikai)
This job is a great opportunity for you. (この仕事はあなたにとって素晴らしい機会です。)
invention 発明 (hatsumei)
The invention of electricity changed the world. (電気の発明は世界を変えました。)
furthermore さらに (sarani)
The report is clear, and furthermore, it provides practical solutions.
allow 許可する (kyoka suru)
This app allows users to share photos easily.
furthermore さらに (sarani)
The report is clear, and furthermore, it provides practical solutions.
vast 広大な (koudai na)
The internet provides vast amounts of information.
store 保管する、蓄える (hokan suru, takuwaeru)
This device can store a lot of data. (この装置は多くのデータを保存できます。)
argue 主張する (shuchou suru)
Some critics argue that new technology makes us more isolated.
isolate 孤立させる (koritsu saseru)
The small island was isolated from the mainland. (その小さな島は本土から孤立していました。)
interact 交流する、相互作用する (kouryuu suru, sougo sayou suru)
Students interact with each other in the classroom. (生徒たちは教室でお互いに交流します。)
it’s up to 〜 〜次第である (〜shidai de aru)
It’s up to you to make the final decision. (最終的な決定はあなた次第です。)
a growing number of 増え続ける〜 (fue tsuzukeru〜)
A growing number of people are working remotely. (リモートで働く人が増え続けています。)
in conclusion 結論として (ketsuron toshite)
In conclusion, technology has improved our lives.
apart 離れて、別々に (hanarete, betsubetsu ni)
They lived apart for several years. (彼らは何年も離れて暮らしていました。)
1. What has modern technology done to communication?
a) It has made communication slower.
b) It has improved the way we communicate.
c) It has limited communication to only written forms.
d) It has reduced the need for communication altogether.
2. What is a potential disadvantage of modern technology in communication?
a) It allows for deeper connections.
b) It makes face-to-face communication less common.
c) It increases the quality of in-person conversations.
d) It encourages more physical interaction.
3. What effect can instant communication have on relationships?
a) It helps people improve their face-to-face communication skills.
b) It can lead to a lack of deep connections.
c) It makes communication more personal.
d) It promotes face-to-face conversations.
4. Do you prefer face-to-face communication or online communication? Why?
5. How would you feel if you couldn’t use the internet for a week starting tomorrow?
6. How do you feel about the impact of modern technology on communication? Do you think it has brought people closer together or made us more isolated?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 技術の進化は私たちの生活を変えました。
The (e——–) of technology has changed our lives.
b) このプロセスは「グローバル化」と呼ばれます。
This process is (r——-)(t-)(a-) “globalization.”
c) 今日では多くの人がインターネットにアクセスできます。
Many people (h—)(a—–)(t-) the internet today.
d) この仕事はあなたにとって素晴らしい機会です。
This job is a great (o———-) for you.
e) 電気の発明は世界を変えました。
The (i——–) of electricity changed the world.
f) このアプリはユーザーが簡単に写真を共有することを可能にします。
This app (a—–) users to share photos easily.
g) その報告書は明確であり、さらに実用的な解決策を提示しています。
The report is clear, and (f———-), it provides practical solutions.
h) インターネットは膨大な量の情報を提供します。
The internet provides (v—) amounts of information.
i) この装置は多くのデータを保存できます。
This device can (s—-) a lot of data.
j) 一部の批評家は、新しい技術が私たちをより孤立させると主張しています。
Some critics (a—-) that new technology makes us more isolated.
k) その小さな島は本土から孤立していました。
The small island was (i——-) from the mainland.
l) 生徒たちは教室でお互いに交流します。
Students (i——-) with each other in the classroom.
m) 最終的な決定はあなた次第です。
It’s (u-)(t-) you to make the final decision.
n) リモートで働く人が増え続けています。
A (g——)(n—–)(o-) people are working remotely.
o) 結論として、技術は私たちの生活を向上させました。
(I-)(c———), technology has improved our lives.
p) 彼らは何年も離れて暮らしていました。
They lived (a—-) for several years.
Lesson 10: The Search for Intelligent Life in the Milky Way
The Search for Intelligent Life in the Milky Way
Astronomers believe that the development of intelligent civilizations is not unique to Earth. They suggest that there may be other planets in the Milky Way galaxy that support intelligent life. To estimate how many such civilizations might exist, scientists use a tool called the Drake Equation. This equation considers various factors that influence the likelihood of intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy.
One key factor in the equation is the number of stars formed each year in the Milky Way. With about 200 billion stars in the galaxy and a lifetime of approximately 10 billion years, stars are being born at a steady rate. Another important consideration is the number of stars with planets where life could potentially develop. For those stars, scientists estimate the fraction that actually has planets, and the number of planets on which life might form.
The equation also takes into account how often intelligent life evolves, the likelihood that such life becomes communicative, and the lifespan of communicative civilizations. With each of these factors, scientists calculate the number of civilizations that might be capable of communication.
Based on these estimates, the number of possible civilizations in the Milky Way ranges from one to a million. Although these numbers are speculative, astronomers are actively searching for signs of life in the electromagnetic spectrum, hoping to detect signals from other civilizations. This search continues, and the possibilities are exciting. Stay tuned as scientists keep looking for signs of life beyond our planet.
Milky Way galaxy 天の川銀河 (ten no kawa ginga)
The Milky Way galaxy is home to billions of stars.(天の川銀河は何十億もの星を持っています。)
astronomer 天文学者 (tenmongakusha)
The astronomer discovered a new planet using a telescope.
intelligent civilization 知的文明 (chiteki bunmei)
Many believe that intelligent civilizations exist in other parts of the universe.
estimate 見積もる (mitsumoru)
The scientists estimate that there are millions of stars in the Milky Way.
exist 存在する (sonzai suru)
Do you think life exists on other planets?(他の惑星に生命が存在していると思いますか?)
equation 方程式 (houteishiki)
The Drake Equation is used to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations.
influence 影響を与える (eikyou wo ataeru)
The climate can greatly influence the growth of plants.
likelihood 可能性 (kanousei)
There is a high likelihood that life exists on Mars.(火星に生命が存在する可能性は高いです。)
approximately おおよそ (ooyoso)
There are approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way.
steady 安定した (antei shita)
The worker maintained a steady pace throughout the day.
consideration 考慮 (kouryo)
Environmental impact is an important consideration when building a new city.
potentially 潜在的に (senzai-teki ni)
This discovery could potentially change the way we think about space travel.
fraction 一部 (ichibu)
Only a small fraction of the population is interested in space exploration.
take into account 考慮に入れる (kouryo ni ireru)
We must take into account the costs before making a decision.(私たちは決定を下す前にコストを考慮に入れなければなりません。)
evolve 進化する (shinka suru)
Species evolve over millions of years to adapt to their environment.
be capable of ~ができる (dekiru)
He is capable of solving complex problems.(彼は複雑な問題を解決することができます。)
based on ~に基づいて (ni motozuite)
The movie is based on a true story.(その映画は実際の話に基づいています。)
range 範囲 (han’i)
The range of temperatures in this region is extreme.(この地域の温度の範囲は極端です。)
speculative 推測的な (suisokuteki na)
The idea that aliens exist is still speculative.
electromagnetic spectrum 電磁スペクトル (denji supekutoru)
Radio waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.(ラジオ波は電磁スペクトルの一部です。)
detect 検出する (kenshutsu suru)
Scientists are trying to detect signals from other planets.
stay tuned 注目していてください (chuumoku shite ite kudasai)
Stay tuned for more updates on the latest discoveries.
1. What do astronomers believe about intelligent civilizations?
a) They believe intelligent civilizations are unique to Earth.
b) They believe intelligent civilizations may exist on other planets in the Milky Way galaxy.
c) They believe intelligent life only exists on Mars.
d) They believe intelligent civilizations are rare throughout the universe.
What is the purpose of the Drake Equation?
a) To estimate the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
b) To estimate the likelihood of intelligent civilizations existing elsewhere in the Milky Way.
c) To calculate the number of planets that support human life.
d) To predict the future development of the Milky Way galaxy.
3. Which factor is considered when estimating the number of possible civilizations in the Milky Way?
a) The number of stars with planets.
b) The number of stars without planets.
c) The number of planets with life.
d) The number of galaxies in the universe.
4. Do you think there could be intelligent life on other planets? Why or why not?
(他の惑星に知的生命が存在する可能性があると思いますか? その理由は何ですか?)
5. If you had the opportunity to communicate with an alien civilization, what would you want to ask them? (もし異星人文明とコミュニケーションを取る機会があったら、何を尋ねたいですか?)
6. Would you like to go on a space trip? Why or why not?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 天の川銀河は何十億もの星を持っています。
The (M—-)(W–)(g—–) is home to billions of stars.
b) その天文学者は望遠鏡を使って新しい惑星を発見しました。
The (a———) discovered a new planet using a telescope.
c) 科学者たちは天の川銀河に数百万の星があると見積もっています。
The scientists (e——-) that there are millions of stars in the Milky Way.
d) 他の惑星に生命が存在していると思いますか?
Do you think life (e—-) on other planets?
e) 気候は植物の成長に大きな影響を与えることがあります。
The climate can greatly (i——–) the growth of plants.
f) 火星に生命が存在する可能性は高いです。
There is a high (l———) that life exists on Mars.
g) 天の川銀河にはおおよそ1000億の星があります。
There are (a————) 100 billion stars in the Milky Way.
h) その労働者は一日を通して安定したペースを維持しました。
The worker maintained a (s—–) pace throughout the day.
i) 新しい都市を建設する際には、環境への影響が重要な考慮点です。
Environmental impact is an important (c————) when building a new city.
j) この発見は、宇宙旅行についての考え方を潜在的に変えるかもしれません。
This discovery could (p———-) change the way we think about space travel.
k) 私たちは決定を下す前にコストを考慮に入れなければなりません。
We must (t—)(i—)(a——) the costs before making a decision.
l) 種は環境に適応するために何百万年もかけて進化します。
Species (e—–) over millions of years to adapt to their environment.
m) 彼は複雑な問題を解決することができます。
He (i-)(c——)(o-) solving complex problems.
n) その映画は実際の話に基づいています。
The movie is (b—-)(o-) a true story.
o) この地域の温度の範囲は極端です。
The (r—-) of temperatures in this region is extreme.
p) 科学者たちは他の惑星からの信号を検出しようとしています。
Scientists are trying to (d—–) signals from other planets.