Read the article and have a discussion based on the following questions.
- 記事を読んで次の質問に応えてください。
- Lesson 11: The missing Notebook
- Lesson 12: Learning About Canada
- Lesson 13: The Beautiful Greenfield River
- Lesson 14: The First Woman to Reach the Top of Mt. Everest
- Lesson 15:A Day at the Nursing Home
- Lesson 16: The Birthday Gift
- Lesson 17: Kenji’s Winter Camp
- Lesson 18: A Winter in Japan
- Lesson 19: The Kind Volunteer
- Lesson 20: Hello from Canada
Lesson 11: The missing Notebook
The Missing Notebook
Tom: Hi, Sara. What are you doing here?
Sara: Hi, Tom. I’m looking for my notebook.
Tom: Did you lose it?
Sara: Yes, I think so. I visited Emma in the morning and left her house at two. I had the notebook in my bag at that time. I got home about three, but I couldn’t find it after that.
Tom: Where did you go on the way to your house?
Sara: I went to the coffee shop. Then I went to the bookstore and looked at some new novels.
Tom: Did you go to any other places?
Sara: No, I didn’t.
Tom: Well, why don’t you go to the coffee shop first? You may find your notebook there.
Sara: That’s a good idea. I’ll go there right away.
missing 見失った、なくなった(nakunatta)
I finally found my missing wallet under the sofa. (私はソファの下でなくなった財布を見つけ ました。)
look for 探す(sagasu)
She is looking for her notebook. (彼女はノートを探しています。)
lose 失う(ushinau)
He often loses his keys. (彼はよく鍵を失くします。)
visit 訪れる(otozureru)
We visited our grandparents last weekend. (私たちは先週末に祖父母を訪れました。)
left leave(去る saru)の過去形 去った(satta)
She left the house early in the morning. (彼女は朝早く家を出ました。)
at that time その時(sono toki)
I was at the park at that time. (私はその時公園にいました。)
get home 帰宅する(kaitaku suru)
He usually gets home around six. (彼は普段6時ごろ帰宅します。)
find 見つける(mitsukeru)
She found her notebook under the bed. (彼女はノートをベッドの下で見つけました。)
on the way to 〜への途中で(~e no tochuu de)
I bought some snacks on the way to school. (私は学校への途中でお菓子を買いました。)
novel 小説(shousetsu)
He is reading a mystery novel. (彼はミステリー小説を読んでいます。)
any other places 他のどこか(hoka no dokoka)
Did you check any other places for your keys? (鍵を探して他の場所を確認しましたか?)
why don’t you 〜してはどうですか(~shite wa dou desu ka)
Why don’t you ask the teacher for help? (先生に助けを求めてみてはどうですか?)
first 最初に(saisho ni)
Please read the instructions first. (まず説明書を読んでください。)
may 〜かもしれない(~kamo shirenai)
It may rain this afternoon. (午後には雨が降るかもしれません。)
right away すぐに(sugu ni)
She answered the phone right away. (彼女はすぐに電話に出ました。)
1. Did Sara go to the bookstore on her way home?
2. What is Sara looking for?
3. What time did Sara leave Emma’s house?
4. Do you often lose something important like Sara? What do you do when you lose something?
5. If you lose something in a coffee shop, will you go back to look for it?
6. What places do you usually visit on your way home from school or work?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女はノートを探しています。
She is (l )(f ) her notebook.
b) 彼はよく鍵を失くします。
He often (l ) his keys.
c) 私たちは先週末に祖父母を訪れました。
We (v ) our grandparents last weekend.
d) 彼女は朝早く家を出ました。
She (l ) the house early in the morning.
e) 私はその時公園にいました。
I was at the park (a )(t )(t ).
f) 彼女はノートをベッドの下で見つけました。
She (f ) her notebook under the bed.
g) 私は学校への途中でお菓子を買いました。
I bought some snacks (o )(t )(w )(t ) school.
h) 先生に助けを求めてみてはどうですか?
(W )(d )(y ) ask the teacher for help?
i) まず説明書を読んでください。
Please read the instructions (f ).
j) 午後には雨が降るかもしれません。
It (m ) rain this afternoon.
k) 彼女はすぐに電話に出ました。
She answered the phone (r )(a ).
Lesson 12: Learning About Canada
Learning About Canada
Ken was worried about his English homework. He had to study a foreign country and write a report, but it was too difficult. He decided to ask his friend Anna for help.
“Hi, Anna. Are you free tomorrow?” Ken asked.
“Hi, Ken! Yes, I’m free all day. Why?” Anna answered.
“I have to write an English report about a foreign country, but I don’t know where to start. Can you help me?” Ken said.
“Sure! I’m from Canada. Maybe I can tell you about my country,” Anna said.
“Thanks! What’s special about Canada?” Ken asked.
Anna smiled. “Canada has beautiful nature like mountains and lakes. We also have animals like bears and moose. People enjoy sports like ice hockey and skiing.”
“That’s really interesting!” Ken said. “Can we meet tomorrow? I want to write it all down.”
“Of course. Let’s meet at the city library at noon. We can find more books about Canada”.
“Great! Thanks, Anna,” Ken said.
“See you tomorrow, Ken!” Anna replied with a smile.
be worried about ~を心配する (~wo shinpai suru)
He was worried about his homework. (彼は宿題を心配していました。)
have to ~しなければならない (~shinakereba naranai)
I have to finish my report by tomorrow.
foreign country 外国 (gaikoku)
He is studying about a foreign country. (彼は外国について勉強しています。)
too difficult 難しすぎる (muzukashi sugiru)
The math problem was too difficult for me. (その数学の問題は私には難しすぎました。)
decide to ~することを決める (~suru koto wo kimeru)
She decided to study abroad. (彼女は留学することを決めました。)
ask 人 for help ~に助けを求める (~ni tasuke wo motomeru)
I asked my friend for help with my project. (私はプロジェクトで友達に助けを求めました。)
all day 一日中 (ichinichijuu)
He worked hard all day. (彼は一日中一生懸命働きました。)
where to start どこから始めるか (doko kara hajimeru ka)
I don’t know where to start this assignment.
answer 答える (kotaeru)
She answered all the questions correctly. (彼女はすべての質問に正しく答えました。)
maybe たぶん (tabun)
Maybe I’ll join you later. (たぶん後で合流します。)
special 特別な (tokubetsu na)
This is a special gift for you. (これはあなたへの特別な贈り物です。)
nature 自然 (shizen)
I love being surrounded by nature. (私は自然に囲まれるのが好きです。)
mountain 山 (yama)
The mountain is covered in snow. (その山は雪で覆われています。)
lake 湖 (mizuumi)
We swam in the clear lake. (私たちは澄んだ湖で泳ぎました。)
bear 熊 (kuma)
We saw a bear in the forest. (私たちは森で熊を見ました。)
moose ヘラジカ (herajika)
Moose are common in Canada. (ヘラジカはカナダでよく見られます。)
write down 書き留める (kaki toomeru)
Please write down your ideas. (あなたのアイデアを書き留めてください。)
at noon 正午に (shougo ni)
Let’s meet at noon for lunch. (昼食のために正午に会いましょう。)
find 見つける (mitsukeru)
She found her lost keys. (彼女は無くした鍵を見つけました。)
reply 返事をする (henji wo suru)
He replied to my email quickly. (彼は私のメールにすぐ返事をしました。)
1. Did Ken think his English homework was easy?
2. What did Ken have to do for his English homework?
3. What did Anna say was special about Canada?
4. If you have to write about a foreign country, which country will you choose? Why?
5. What sports or animals are special in your country?(あなたの国特有のスポーツや動物は何ですか。)
6. Do you like studying at the library? Why or why not?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 私は明日までにレポートを終わらせなければなりません。
I (h )(t ) finish my report by tomorrow.
b) 彼は外国について勉強しています。
He is studying about a (f )(c ).
c) 彼女は留学することを決めました。
She (d )(t ) study abroad.
d) 彼は一日中一生懸命働きました。
He worked hard (a )(d ).
e) 彼女はすべての質問に正しく答えました。
She (a ) all the questions correctly.
f) これはあなたへの特別な贈り物です。
This is a (s ) gift for you.
g) 私は自然に囲まれるのが好きです。
I love being surrounded by (n ).
h) その山は雪で覆われています。
The (m ) is covered in snow.
i) 私たちは澄んだ湖で泳ぎました。
We swam in the clear (l ).
j) 昼食のために正午に会いましょう。
Let’s meet (a )(n ) for lunch.
k) 彼女は無くした鍵を見つけました。
She (f ) her lost keys.
l) 彼は私のメールにすぐ返事をしました。
He (r ) to my email quickly.
Lesson 13: The Beautiful Greenfield River
The Beautiful Greenfield River
Ken: Emma, this is the Greenfield River. In spring, we enjoy picnics by the water and watching the flowers bloom. In summer, we often go swimming here. Many people like to walk along the river all year.
Emma: That sounds wonderful! You’re lucky to have such a beautiful river near your town.
Ken: People also use the river water for drinking and farming.
Emma: Oh, I understand. This river is really important to everyone here.
Ken: Yes, it is. The river is also home to many animals, including glowworms.
Emma: Glowworms? What are they?
Ken: They are small insects and they glow in the dark. We often see their lights near the river at night during the summer.
Emma: Wow, that sounds fantastic! I would love to see them.
Ken: Last year, we worked together to clean the river, and now there are more glowworms than before. Next week, there will be a “River Lights Festival” at the park near the river. Would you like to come with us?
Emma: That sounds great! I’d love to join.
bloom 花が咲く (hana ga saku)
The flowers bloom beautifully in spring. (花は春に美しく咲きます。)
along the river 川沿いに (kawazoi ni)
We walked along the river and enjoyed the view.
farming 農業 (nougyou)
Farming is an important job in this area. (この地域では農業が重要な仕事です。)
understand 理解する (rikai suru)
I understand how important this river is for people.
including 含む (fukumu)
This park has many attractions, including a small zoo.
glowworm ホタル (hotaru)
We saw a glowworm by the river last night. (昨夜、川のそばでホタルを見ました。)
insect 昆虫 (konchuu)
Fireflies are one of the most beautiful insects. (ホタルは最も美しい昆虫の一つです。)
glow 光る (hikaru)
The fireflies glow softly in the night. (ホタルは夜に柔らかく光ります。)
in the dark 暗闇で (kurayami de)
I can see fireflies glowing in the dark. (暗闇で光るホタルを見ることができます。)
during 〜の間に (~no aida ni)
Many people visit the park during summer. (多くの人が夏の間に公園を訪れます。)
sound 〜に聞こえる (~ni kikoeru)
This idea sounds interesting. (このアイデアは面白そうに聞こえます。)
fantastic 素晴らしい (subarashii)
The view of the fireflies by the river was fantastic.
would love to( = ‘d love to ≒ want to) 〜したい ( ~shitai)
I would love to join the event next week. (来週のイベントにぜひ参加したいです。)
than before 以前よりも (izen yori mo)
There are more fireflies here than before. (ここには以前よりもホタルが多くいます。)
join 参加する (sanka suru)
Why don’t you join us for the river cleanup? (川の清掃に参加しませんか?)
1. Are there more glowworms now than before?
2. What do people do by the Greenfield River in spring?
3. Why is the Greenfield River important to the people in the town?
4. What activities do you like to do near a river?
5. Have you ever seen glowworms? If yes, where did you see them?
6. Why is it important to clean rivers?(なぜ川をきれいにすることが大切なのですか。)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences. a) 花は春に美しく咲きます。
The flowers (b ) beautifully in spring.
b) 私たちは川沿いを歩いて景色を楽しみました。
We walked (a )(t )(r ) and enjoyed the view.
c) この川が人々にとってどれほど重要か理解しています。
I (u ) how important this river is for people.
d) ホタルは最も美しい昆虫の一つです。
Fireflies are one of the most beautiful (i ).
e) 暗闇で光るホタルを見ることができます。
I can see fireflies glowing (i )(t )(d ).
f) 多くの人が夏の間に公園を訪れます。
Many people visit the park (d ) summer.
g) このアイデアは面白そうに聞こえます。
This idea (s ) interesting.
h) 来週のイベントにぜひ参加したいです。
I (w )(l )(t ) join the event next week.
i) ここには以前よりもホタルが多くいます。
There are more fireflies here (t )(b ).
j) 川の清掃に参加しませんか?
Why don’t you (j ) us for the river cleanup?
Lesson 14: The First Woman to Reach the Top of Mt. Everest
The First Woman to Reach the Top of Mt. Everest
In 1975, Junko Tabei and fourteen other women were climbing Mt. Everest. One day, while they were on the mountain, they suddenly heard a loud sound. It was an avalanche! Snow and ice began to fall down the mountain quickly. When Tabei opened her eyes, she was under the snow. She managed to get out of the snow.
After the avalanche, Junko and other team members couldn’t walk properly, but they didn’t give up. They decided to keep climbing the mountain. Reaching the top of Mt. Everest was their dream.
Twelve days after the avalanche, Junko Tabei finally reached the top of Mt. Everest. She became the first woman to stand on the top of the mountain. At that time, many people believed that only men could climb the highest mountain in the world, but Junko proved that women could do it too. Her success encouraged many people around the world.
fall down 落ちる(ochiru)
Rocks started to fall down the slope. (岩が斜面を落ち始めました。)
quickly 素早く(subayaku)
They quickly moved to a safe place. (彼らは素早く安全な場所に移動しました。)
manage to なんとか〜する(nantoka ~suru)
She managed to finish the task on time.
get out of 〜から出る(~kara deru)
He got out of the car carefully. (彼は慎重に車から降りました。)
properly 適切に(tekisetsu ni)
Please use this tool properly. (この道具を適切に使ってください。)
give up あきらめる(akirameru)
He didn’t give up even when it was difficult.
decide to 〜することを決める(~suru koto o kimeru)
She decided to join the team. (彼女はそのチームに加わることを決めました。)
keep –ing 〜し続ける(~shi tsuzukeru)
They kept climbing despite the bad weather.
finally ついに(tsuini)
They finally reached the summit. (彼らはついに頂上に到達しました。)
the top of the mountain 山頂(sanchō)
Standing at the top of the mountain felt amazing.
believe 信じる(shinjiru)
I believe in your ability. (私はあなたの能力を信じています。)
prove 証明する(shōmei suru)
She proved that hard work pays off. (彼女は努力が報われることを証明しました。)
success 成功(seikō)
Her success made her family proud. (彼女の成功は家族を誇らしくさせました。)
encourage 励ます(hagemasu)
Her words encouraged me to try again.
1. Was Junko Tabei the first woman to reach the top of Mt. Everest?
2. When did Junko Tabei reach the top of Mt. Everest?
3. Why was Tabei’s achievement so important at that time?
4. Do you like outdoor activities such as hiking or camping? Why or why not?
5. Who do you admire in history? Why?
6. Do you like to do things alone or with team members?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 岩が斜面を落ち始めました。
Rocks started to (f )(d ) the slope.
b) 彼らは素早く安全な場所に移動しました。
They moved to a safe place (q ).
c) 彼女はなんとか時間内にその仕事を終えました。
She (m )(t ) finish the task on time.
d) 彼は慎重に車から降りました。
He (g )(o )(o ) the car carefully.
e) 彼は困難なときでもあきらめませんでした。
He didn’t (g )(u ) even when it was difficult.
f) 彼女はそのチームに加わることを決めました。
She (d )(t ) join the team.
g) 彼らは悪天候にもかかわらず登り続けました。
They (k ) climbing despite the bad weather.
h) 彼らはついに頂上に到達しました。
They (f ) reached the summit.
i) 山頂に立つのは素晴らしい気分でした。
Standing at (t )(t )(o )(t )(m ) felt amazing.
j) 私はあなたの能力を信じています。
I (b ) in your ability.
k) 彼女は努力が報われることを証明しました。
She (p ) that hard work pays off.
l) 彼女の成功は家族を誇らしくさせました。
Her (s ) made her family proud.
m) 彼女の言葉が私を再挑戦するように励ましてくれました。
Her words (e ) me to try again.
Lesson 15:A Day at the Nursing Home
A Day at the Nursing Home
I went to a nursing home for a workplace experience. It wasn’t easy to take care of elderly people, but it was interesting. The people there were kind and friendly.
Yumi and I helped them with their meals and enjoyed talking with them. In the afternoon, an elderly man gave us small handmade flowers. I said to him, “Thank you. These flowers are beautiful. We love them! We’re happy to be here, but we’re a little sad, too. We want to visit here tomorrow again, but we can’t. We hope to come back soon.”
On our way home, Yumi said, “I really enjoyed helping at the nursing home. When I helped one elderly woman with her tea, she smiled so kindly, and it made me feel happy. Today, I learned something important.” I agreed.
At home, I talked about my experience with my family and showed them the flowers. My mother smiled and said, “You had a wonderful time today!”
The day was special to me. Before, I thought people worked only to make themselves happy. But now, I have a new idea: we can work to make others happy, too.
nursing home 老人ホーム (roujinhoumu)
She works at a nursing home. (彼女は老人ホームで働いています。)
workplace experience 職場体験 (shokubataiken)
I had a workplace experience at a school. (私は学校で職場体験をしました。)
take care of ~の世話をする (no sewa o suru)
She takes care of her little brother. (彼女は弟の世話をします。)
elderly people 高齢者 (koureisha)
The hospital is full of elderly people. (その病院は高齢者でいっぱいです。)
kind 優しい (yasashii)
The teacher is very kind to everyone. (先生はみんなにとても優しいです。)
friendly 親切な (shinsetsu na)
The new student is very friendly. (新しい生徒はとても親切です。)
help 人 with 〜 (人)の~を手伝う (o tetsudau)
Can you help me with my homework? (宿題を手伝ってくれますか?)
meal 食事 (shokuji)
They served a delicious meal. (彼らは美味しい食事を出しました。)
enjoy –ing ~を楽しむ (o tanoshimu)
I enjoy reading books. (私は本を読むのを楽しんでいます。)
talk with ~と話す (to hanasu)
I like to talk with my friends after school. (私は学校の後で友達と話すのが好きです。)
gave give(与える, ataeru)の過去形 与えた (ataeta)
She gave me a beautiful gift. (彼女は私に美しい贈り物をくれました。)
handmade 手作りの (tezukuri no)
I received a handmade card. (私は手作りのカードをもらいました。)
these これら (korera)
These books are mine. (これらの本は私のものです。)
a little 少し (sukoshi)
I am a little tired today. (今日は少し疲れています。)
sad 悲しい (kanashii)
The story made me feel sad. (その話は私を悲しい気持ちにさせました。)
again また (mata)
Can we meet again tomorrow? (また明日会えますか?)
hope to ~したいと願う (shitai to negau)
I hope to see you soon. (すぐにお会いしたいと願っています。)
come back 戻る (modoru)
She will come back in an hour. (彼女は1時間で戻ります。)
on my way home 帰り道に (kaeri michi ni)
I bought some snacks on my way home. (帰り道にお菓子を買いました。)
became become(なる, naru)の過去形 なった (natta)
He became a doctor last year. (彼は去年医者になりました。)
learn 学ぶ (manabu)
We learn something new every day. (私たちは毎日新しいことを学びます。)
something important 重要なこと (juuyou na koto)
She told me something important. (彼女は私に重要なことを教えてくれました。)
agree 賛成する (sansei suru)
I agree with your idea. (私はあなたの考えに賛成します。)
talk about ~について話す (ni tsuite hanasu)
Let’s talk about our plans for the weekend. (週末の計画について話しましょう。)
experience 経験 (keiken)
It was a great experience. (それは素晴らしい経験でした。)
special 特別な (tokubetsu na)
Today is a special day. (今日は特別な日です。)
thought think(考える, kangaeru)の過去形 考えた (kangaeta)
I thought it would rain today. (今日は雨が降ると思いました。)
make 〜 happy ~を幸せにする (o shiawase ni suru)
This gift will make her happy. (このプレゼントは彼女を幸せにするでしょう。)
others 他の人 (hoka no hito)
We should always care for others. (私たちは常に他の人を気にかけるべきです。)
1. Where did the writer go for a workplace experience?
2. What did the elderly man give to the writer and Yumi in the afternoon?
3. What did the writer learn from the experience at the nursing home?
4. Have you ever been to a workplace experience? If you have, tell me about it. If not, where
do you want to go for a workplace experience and why?
5. Do you think it’s important to help elderly people? Why or why not?
6. Do you often talk about your experience with your family?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女は弟の世話をします。
She (t )(c )(o ) her little brother.
b) 宿題を手伝ってくれますか?
Can you (h ) me (w ) my homework?
c) 私は本を読むのを楽しんでいます。
I (e )(r ) books.
d) 私は学校の後で友達と話すのが好きです。
I like to (t )(w ) my friends after school.
e) 今日は少し疲れています。
I am ( )(l ) tired today.
f) その話は私を悲しい気持ちにさせました。
The story made me feel (s ).
g) 帰り道にお菓子を買いました。
I bought some snacks (o )(m )(w )(h ).
h) 私たちは毎日新しいことを学びます。
We (l ) something new every day.
i) 彼女は私に重要なことを教えてくれました。
She told me (s )(i ).
j) 週末の計画について話しましょう。
Let’s (t )(a ) our plans for the weekend.
k) それは素晴らしい経験でした。
It was a great (e ).
l) 今日は雨が降ると思いました。
I (t ) it would rain today.
m) このプレゼントは彼女を幸せにするでしょう。
This gift will (m )(h )(h ).
n) 私たちは常に他の人を気にかけるべきです。
We should always care for (o ).
Lesson 16: The Birthday Gift
The Birthday Gift
After lunch, Emily ran to the park behind her house. She wanted to play in the sand. When she build a sandcastle, she found small shiny stones in the sand. “Wow, these look like diamonds!” Emily said with a smile.
She had an idea. “Tomorrow is Mom’s birthday. I’ll collect these for her!” Emily started picking up the shiny stones, but it was hard because they were very small. She didn’t give up and worked until it got dark.
When Emily got home, her mother was cooking dinner. Emily wanted to surprise her mother, so she quietly went to her room. She found her old pencil case and carefully put the stones in it. “This is a good place to hide them,” she thought.
In the evening, when the family started to eat dinner, Emily brought the pencil case and said, “Happy birthday, Mom!” Her mother opened the pencil case and saw the shiny stones. They weren’t real diamonds, but she smiled and said, “These are the most beautiful diamonds I’ve ever seen. I’m very happy. Thank you, Emily!”
Emily was so happy to see her mother’s smile, too.
ran run(走る, hashiru)の過去形 走った(hashitta)
She ran to the park after lunch. (彼女は昼食後、公園へ走りました。)
behind 後ろに (ushiro ni)
The garden is behind the house. (庭は家の後ろにあります。)
sand 砂 (suna)
They played with sand at the beach. (彼らはビーチで砂遊びをしました。)
build 建てる (tateru)
He likes to build houses with blocks. (彼はブロックで家を建てるのが好きです。)
sandcastle 砂の城 (suna no shiro)
The children made a big sandcastle. (子どもたちは大きな砂の城を作りました。)
found find(見つける, mitsukeru)の過去形 見つけた(mitsuketa)
She found a shiny stone in the sand. (彼女は砂の中で光る石を見つけました。)
shiny 輝く (kagayaku)
The ring has a shiny surface. (その指輪は輝く表面を持っています。)
stone 石 (ishi)
There are many small stones in the garden. (庭にはたくさんの小石があります。)
collect 集める (atsumeru)
He likes to collect stamps. (彼は切手を集めるのが好きです。)
start –ing ~し始める (shi hajimeru)
She started cleaning the room. (彼女は部屋の掃除をし始めました。)
pick up 拾う (hirou)
I will pick up the trash. (私はゴミを拾います。)
hard 大変な (taihen na)
The test was very hard for me. (その試験は私にはとても大変でした。)
until ~まで (made)
We waited until the rain stopped. (私たちは雨が止むまで待ちました。)
get dark 暗くなる (kuraku naru)
It gets dark early in winter. (冬は暗くなるのが早いです。)
get home 帰宅する (kitaku suru)
I usually get home at 6 p.m. (私は通常午後6時に帰宅します。)
surprise 驚かせる (odorokaseru)
The news surprised everyone. (そのニュースは皆を驚かせました。)
quietly 静かに (shizuka ni)
He walked quietly into the room. (彼は静かに部屋に入りました。)
pencil case 筆箱 (fudebako)
I keep my pens in a pencil case. (私はペンを筆箱に入れています。)
put 置く (oku)
She put the book on the table. (彼女は本をテーブルに置きました。)
place 場所 (basho)
This is a good place to study. (ここは勉強するのに良い場所です。)
hide 隠す (kakusu)
He hides the key under the mat. (彼は鍵をマットの下に隠します。)
thought think(考える, kangaeru)の過去形 考えた(kangaeta)
She thought about her next project. (彼女は次のプロジェクトについて考えました。)
brought bring(持ってくる, motte kuru)の過去形 持ってきた(motte kita)
He brought a gift for his friend. (彼は友達のためにプレゼントを持ってきました。)
saw see(見る, miru)の過去形 見た(mita)
I saw a bird in the tree. (私は木の中に鳥を見ました。)
real 本物の (honmono no)
Is this a real flower? (これは本物の花ですか?)
I’ve ever seen これまで見た中で (kore made mita naka de)
This is the best movie I’ve ever seen. (これはこれまで見た中で最高の映画です。)
1. What did Emily find in the sand at the park?
2. Why did Emily decide to collect the shiny stones?
3. How did Emily hide the shiny stones after she got home?
4. Do you like playing in the sand? Why or why not?
5. If you hide a small thing, where do you hide it in your room?
6. Have you ever given a birthday present to someone? Who did you give it to and what did you give?(あなたは誰かに誕生日プレゼントをあげたことがありますか。誰に何をあげましたか。)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼はブロックで家を建てるのが好きです。
He likes to (b ) houses with blocks.
b) 彼女は砂の中で光る石を見つけました。
She (f ) a shiny stone in the sand.
c) 彼は切手を集めるのが好きです。
He likes to (c ) stamps.
d) 彼女は部屋の掃除をし始めました。
She (s )(c ) the room.
e) 私はゴミを拾います。
I will (p )(u ) the trash.
f) 私たちは雨が止むまで待ちました。
We waited (u ) the rain stopped.
g) 冬は暗くなるのが早いです。
It (g )(d ) early in winter.
h) 私は通常午後6時に帰宅します。
I usually (g )(h ) at 6 p.m.
i) 彼女は本をテーブルに置きました。
She (p ) the book on the table.
j) ここは勉強するのに良い場所です。
This is a good (p ) to study.
k) 彼は鍵をマットの下に隠します。
He (h ) the key under the mat.
l) 彼女は次のプロジェクトについて考えました。
She (t ) about her next project.
m) 彼は友達のためにプレゼントを持ってきました。
He (b ) a gift for his friend.
n) 私は木の中に鳥を見ました。
I (s ) a bird in the tree.
Lesson 17: Kenji’s Winter Camp
Kenji’s Winter Camp
Kenji went to a winter camp in a small village for a week. About twenty students from different schools joined. Kenji had a lot of fun at the camp. The most exciting day was when he went skiing on the mountain. He also learned how to build an igloo and enjoyed a snowball fight with his friends.
One day, Kenji and the others tried to cook lunch over a small campfire. This was his first time cooking in the snow, and it was difficult! He needed help from the teacher. The teacher said, “Think and try. It’s important to learn this in a camp.” So, they thought carefully about how to make the fire burn in the cold. After a few tries, they finally made a warm meal. Kenji was very happy!
This camp taught Kenji something important. When we face a challenge, we need to think carefully and try our best. If we do that, things will get better. Kenji learned that thinking and trying are valuable skills in life.
village 村 (mura)
Kenji went to a small village for a camp.
different 異なる (kotonaru)
Students from different schools joined the camp.
join 参加する (sankasuru)
Many students joined the winter camp. (たくさんの生徒が冬のキャンプに参加しました。)
a lot of fun とても楽しい (totemo tanoshii)
We had a lot of fun playing in the snow. (私たちは雪遊びをしてとても楽しかったです。)
go skiing スキーに行く (sukī ni iku)
Kenji went skiing on the mountain. (ケンジは山でスキーに行きました。)
learn 学ぶ (manabu)
He learned how to build an igloo. (彼はイグルーの作り方を学びました。)
how to ~のやり方 (no yarikata)
They showed us how to make a fire. (彼らは火の起こし方を教えてくれました。)
build 建てる (tsukuru)
Kenji learned how to build an igloo. (ケンジはイグルーの建て方を学びました。)
igloo イグルー (iguru) 〔雪のブロックで作るドーム型の家〕
We built an igloo during the camp. (私たちはキャンプ中にイグルーを作りました。)
snowball fight 雪合戦 (yukigassen)
We had a snowball fight with friends. (私たちは友達と雪合戦をしました。)
make the fire 火を起こす (hi o okosu)
They tried to make the fire in the snow. (彼らは雪の中で火を起こそうとしました。)
warm 暖かい (atatakai)
We enjoyed a warm meal after skiing. (スキーの後で暖かい食事を楽しみました。)
meal 食事 (shokuji)
The camp meal was simple but delicious.
taught teach(教える, oshieru)の過去形 教えた (oshieta)
The teacher taught them how to make a fire. (先生が彼らに火の起こし方を教えました。)
something important 大切なこと (taisetsu na koto)
He learned something important at the camp. (彼はキャンプで大切なことを学びました。)
face a challenge 課題に向き合う (kadai ni mukiau)
They faced a challenge while making the fire.
get better 上達する (joutatsu suru)
If we try hard, things will get better. (一生懸命努力すれば物事は良くなります。)
valuable 価値のある (kachi no aru)
He learned a valuable lesson at the camp. (彼はキャンプで価値のある教訓を学びました。)
skill スキル (sukiru)
Cooking in the snow is a useful skill. (雪の中で料理をするのは役に立つスキルです。)
life 人生 (jinsei)
Thinking and trying are important skills in life.
1. How long did Kenji go for the winter camp?
2. How many students joined the camp?
3. What was Kenji’s favorite activity during the camp?
4. Which do you like better to go camping, summer or winter? Why?
5. Do you want to try skiing? Why or why not?
6. Have you ever faced a challenge that was hard at first but got better after trying? What was it?(最初は難しかったけれど、挑戦していくうちにうまくいったことはありますか?それは何でしたか?)
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) ケンジはキャンプのために小さな村に行きました。
Kenji went to a small (v ) for a camp.
b) 異なる学校の生徒がキャンプに参加しました。
Students from (d ) schools joined the camp.
c) たくさんの生徒が冬のキャンプに参加しました。
Many students (j ) the winter camp.
d) 私たちは雪遊びをしてとても楽しかったです。
We had ( )(l )(o )(f ) playing in the snow.
e) ケンジは山でスキーに行きました。
Kenji (w )(s ) on the mountain.
f) 彼はイグルーの作り方を学びました。
He (l ) how to build an igloo.
g) 彼らは火の起こし方を教えてくれました。
They showed us (h )(t ) make a fire.
h) ケンジはキャンプ中にイグルーを建てました。
Kenji (b ) an igloo during the camp.
i) スキーの後で暖かい食事を楽しみました。
We enjoyed a (w ) meal after skiing.
j) 先生が彼らに火の起こし方を教えました。
The teacher (t ) them how to make a fire.
k) 考えて挑戦することは人生で重要なスキルです。
Thinking and trying are important skills in (l ).
Lesson 18: A Winter in Japan
A Winter in Japan
Nudeng moved to Japan from Thailand about one year ago. She loves winter in Japan because it’s very different from the warm weather in Thailand. One evening last month, it started to snow. The next morning, Nudeng saw white snow everywhere. She had never seen snow before, and it was very beautiful. She touched the snow for the first time and felt very excited.
Her friend, Hana, asked her, “Which season do you like the best in Japan?” Nudeng smiled and said, “I like winter the best. It’s so different from Thailand.”
Hana showed Nudeng a graph she found on the internet. “It says that spring is the most popular season in Japan. People love to see cherry blossoms in spring,” she said.
Nudeng thought about it and said, “That sounds interesting! I’m looking forward to my second year in Japan. Maybe I can see the cherry blossoms at the end of March.”
Hana said, “Yes, it’s beautiful. I can’t wait for spring too!”
They both smiled, excited for the seasons to come.
move to 〜に引っ越す (hikkosu)
She moved to Japan from Thailand last year.(彼女は去年、タイから日本に引っ越しました。)
Thailand タイ (Tai)
Nudeng is from Thailand.(ヌデンはタイ出身です。)
be different from 〜とは異なる (〜とはことなる)
Winter in Japan is different from winter in Thailand.(日本の冬はタイの冬とは異なります。)
weather 天気 (tenki)
The weather in Japan is very different from Thailand’s.
everywhere どこでも (dokodemo)
There was snow everywhere in Japan last month.
touch 触る (sawaru)
She touched the snow for the first time.(彼女は初めて雪に触れました。)
for the first time 初めて (hajimete)
I saw the movie for the first time.(私は初めてその映画を見ました。)
felt feel(感じる kanjiru)の過去形感じた (kanjita)
She felt happy when she saw the snow.(彼女は雪を見てうれしく感じました。)
graph グラフ (gurafu)
I found an interesting graph on the internet.
cherry blossom 桜の花 (sakura no hana)
I look forward to seeing cherry blossoms in spring.
sound interesting 面白そうに聞こえる (omoshirosou ni kikoeru)
The idea of seeing cherry blossoms sounds interesting.
look forward to 〜を楽しみにする (tanoshimi ni suru)
I look forward to visiting Japan in spring.(私は春に日本を訪れるのを楽しみにしています。)
second 第二の (daini no)
Next month, I will start my second year in Japan.(来月、私は日本で2年目を始めます。)
maybe おそらく (osoraku)
Maybe we can visit the park next weekend.
at the end of 〜の終わりに (〜no owari ni)
We will see cherry blossoms at the end of March.
can’t wait for 〜を待ちきれない (〜wo machi kirenai)
I can’t wait for the spring to come.(私は春が来るのが待ちきれません。)
both 両方 (ryouhou)
Nudeng and Hana are both excited for the new season.
1. What did Nudeng see for the first time in Japan?
2. Why did Nudeng feel happy when she saw the snow?
3. What kind of graph did Hana find on the internet?
4. Do you like snow? What do you think about them?
5. What do you like to do in winter?(あなたは冬に何をするのが好きですか。)
6. If you move to another country, which country will you choose and why?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女は去年、タイから日本に引っ越しました。
She (m )(t ) Japan from Thailand last year.
b) 日本の冬はタイの冬とは異なります。
Winter in Japan (i )(d )(f ) winter in Thailand.
c) 日本の天気はタイの天気とはとても異なります。
The (w ) in Japan is very different from Thailand’s.
d) 彼女は雪に触れました。
She (t ) the snow.
e) 私は初めてその映画を見ました。
I saw the movie (f )(t )(f )(t )
f) 彼女は雪を見てうれしく感じました。
She (f ) happy when she saw the snow.
g) 桜を見るというアイデアは面白そうに聞こえます。
The idea of seeing cherry blossoms (s )(i ).
h) 私は春に日本を訪れるのを楽しみにしています。
I (l )(f )(t )(v ) Japan in spring.
i) 来月、私は日本で2年目を始めます。
Next month, I will start my (s ) year in Japan.
j) 私たちは3月の終わりに桜を見ることができます。
We will see cherry blossoms (a )(t )(e )(o ) March.
k) 私は春が来るのが待ちきれません。
I (c )(w )(f ) the spring to come.
l) ヌデンとハナは両方とも新しい季節を楽しみにしています。
Nudeng and Hana are (b ) excited for the new season.
Lesson 19: The Kind Volunteer
The Kind Volunteer
On our way to school, There is an old man. His name is Mr. Tanaka. He stands at the crosswalk with a yellow flag. Every morning, he waves the flag and helps us cross the street safely. He smiles at the children and says, “Good morning!”
Some children answer cheerfully, “Good morning!” Others are too shy and just walk by quietly. I was also one of the quiet ones.
One day, I stayed home because I had a cold. When I returned to school, Mr. Tanaka said to me, “I didn’t see you for a few days. Are you feeling better now?” I was surprised because he knew I was not at school. I nodded and smiled.
That week, there was a meeting at school. Three traffic safety volunteers introduced themselves. Mr. Tanaka was one of them. He told his story to us. “One morning, I was driving. I didn’t pay attention. My car almost hit a little girl. I felt so bad that I decided to protect children. So, I became a volunteer.”
I was moved by his words. Now, every morning, I say, “Good morning, Mr. Tanaka!” He always smiles at me. I feel happy because someone cares about us so much.
volunteer ボランティア (borantia)
I decided to become a volunteer.(私はボランティアになることに決めました。)
on one’s way to 〜へ向かっている途中 (〜 e mukatteiru tochū)
I met him on my way to school.(私は学校へ向かう途中で彼に会いました。)
crosswalk 横断歩道 (ōdan hodō)
Wait at the crosswalk before crossing the street.
flag 旗 (hata)
She waved a flag to signal the start of the race.
wave 手を振る (te o furu)
He waved goodbye as he left.(彼は出発するとき、さよならと手を振りました。)
cross the street 道路を渡る (dōro o wataru)
Be careful when you cross the street.(道路を渡るときは気をつけてください。)
safely 安全に (anzen ni)
They crossed the street safely.(彼らは安全に道路を渡りました。)
cheerfully 明るく、元気よく (akaruku, genki yoku)
She greeted everyone cheerfully.(彼女はみんなに明るく挨拶しました。)
Some – . Others – . 〜な人もいれば、…な人もいる (~na hitomo ireba, …na hitomo iru)
Some people like coffee. Others prefer tea.
shy 恥ずかしがり屋の、内気な (hazukashigariya no, uchiki na)
He is shy around strangers.(彼は見知らぬ人の前では恥ずかしがり屋です。)
walk by 通り過ぎる、歩いて通る (tōrisugiru, aruite tōru)
I saw him walk by my house.(私は彼が家の前を歩いて通るのを見ました。)
quietly 静かに (shizukani)
She spoke quietly so no one would hear.
have a cold 風邪をひいている (kaze o hiiteiru)
I have a cold and need to rest.(私は風邪をひいているので休まなければなりません。)
return 戻る、返す (modoru, kaesu)
I will return the book tomorrow.(私は明日その本を返します。)
for a few days 数日間 (sūjitsukan)
He stayed with us for a few days.(彼は数日間私たちと一緒に過ごしました。)
feel better 気分が良くなる、回復する (kibun ga yokunaru, kaifuku suru)
I hope you feel better soon.(あなたがすぐに回復することを願っています。)
surprised 驚いた (odoroita)
I was surprised to see her there.(私は彼女がそこにいるのを見て驚きました。)
nod うなずく (unazuku)
He nodded to show he understood.(彼は理解したことを示すためにうなずきました。)
traffic 交通 (kōtsū)
There was heavy traffic this morning.(今朝は交通渋滞がひどかったです。)
safety 安全 (anzen)
Safety is the most important thing when driving.(運転中は安全が最も重要です。)
introduce 紹介する (shōkai suru)
Let me introduce my friend to you.(私の友達をあなたに紹介させてください。)
pay attention 注意を払う (chūi o harau)
You need to pay attention to the road signs.(道路標識に注意を払う必要があります。)
almost ほとんど (hotondo)、もう少しで(mousukoshi de)
I almost missed the bus this morning.
hit 打つ、ぶつかる (utsu, butsukaru)
The car hit the wall.(車は壁にぶつかりました。)
decide to 〜することを決める (〜 suru koto o kimeru)
I decided to volunteer at the event.
protect 守る (mamoru)
Volunteers protect children from danger.(ボランティアは子供たちを危険から守ります。)
so – that … とても〜なので… (totemo ~ nanode …)
She studied so hard that she passed the exam.
be moved by 〜に感動する (〜 ni kandō suru)
I was moved by the kindness of others.(私は他の人々の優しさに感動しました。)
care about 〜を気にかける、〜を大切にする (〜 o ki ni kakeru, 〜 o taisetsu ni suru)
He cares about his family very much.(彼は自分の家族をとても大切にしています。)
1. Who stands at the crosswalk with a yellow flag?
2. What does Mr. Tanaka say to the children every morning?
3. Why does the writer feel happy when Mr. Tanaka smiles at him.
4. Have you ever met someone like Mr. Tanaka who helps children cross the street? What do you think of them?(田中さんのように子どもが横断歩道を渡るのを手伝う人を見たことがありますか。彼らについてどう思いますか。)
5. If you were the writer, would you greet Mr. Tanaka? Why or why not?
6. If you could help in your community, what kind of volunteer work would you like to do?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences
a) 私は学校へ向かう途中で彼に会いました。
I met him(o )(m )(w )(t )school.
b) コーヒーが好きな人もいれば、紅茶を好む人もいます。
(S ) people like coffee. (O ) prefer tea.
c) 彼は見知らぬ人の前では恥ずかしがり屋です。
He is (s ) around strangers.
d) 彼女は誰にも聞かれないように静かに話しました。
She spoke (q ) so no one would hear.
e) 私は風邪をひいているので休まなければなりません。
I (h )( )(c ) and need to rest.
f) 私は明日その本を返します。
I will (r ) the book tomorrow.
g) 彼は数日間私たちと一緒に過ごしました。
He stayed with us (f )( )(f )(d ).
h) 私は彼女がそこにいるのを見て驚きました。
I was (s ) to see her there.
i) 私の友達をあなたに紹介させてください。
Let me (i ) my friend to you.
j) 車は壁にぶつかりました。
The car (h ) the wall.
k) 私はそのイベントでボランティアをすることに決めました。
I (d )(t ) volunteer at the event.
l) ボランティアは子供たちを危険から守ります。
Volunteers (p ) children from danger.
m) 彼女はとても熱心に勉強したので試験に合格しました。
She studied (s ) hard (t ) she passed the exam.
n) 私は他の人々の優しさに感動しました。
I was (m )(b ) the kindness of others.
Lesson 20: Hello from Canada
Hello from Canada
Hi! My name is Emma Brown, and I am from Canada. Canada is a large and beautiful country with many different environments. We have tall mountains, deep forests, clear blue lakes, and snowy winters. Have you heard of Niagara Falls? It’s one of the most famous waterfalls in the world, and it’s in Canada. Many people visit it every year.
Canada is a bilingual country. We speak English and French. Both languages are spoken in my city, so I learned them at the same time. I think learning different languages is very important. It helps us understand people from different countries and their cultures.
My family is very important to me. There are five people in my family: my mother, my father, my two brothers, and me. My parents love nature, so we often go hiking or camping together. My brothers are still in high school. Both of them love ice hockey. It is a very popular sport in Canada. We sometimes watch games together.
This is my first visit to Japan, and I’m so excited! I started learning Japanese three years ago because I wanted to learn about Japanese culture. I love sushi, temples, and the kind people in Japan.
Learning languages is fun and useful. Let’s study English and Japanese together! I’d love to hear more about your country and traditions. What do you think is special about your hometown?
environment 環境 (kankyō)
She wants to protect the environment. (彼女は環境を守りたいと思っています。)
deep 深い (fukai)
The lake is very deep. (その湖はとても深いです。)
forest 森 (mori)
We walked through a quiet forest. (私たちは静かな森を歩きました。)
clear 澄んだ (sunda)
The lake is so clear that you can see the fish. (湖はとても澄んでいて魚が見えます。)
snowy winter 雪の多い冬 (yuki no ōi fuyu)
Canada has long and snowy winters. (カナダには長くて雪の多い冬があります。)
Have you heard of 〜を聞いたことがありますか (〜 o kiita koto ga arimasu ka)
Have you heard of Niagara Falls? (ナイアガラの滝を聞いたことがありますか?)
Niagara Falls ナイアガラの滝 (Naiagara no Taki)
Niagara Falls is a famous tourist spot. (ナイアガラの滝は有名な観光地です。)
one of ~ 〜の1つ (〜 no hitotsu)
This is one of my favorite books. (これは私のお気に入りの本の1つです。)
waterfall 滝 (taki)
We visited a beautiful waterfall during our trip. (旅行中に美しい滝を訪れました。)
bilingual バイリンガルの (bairingaru no)
She is bilingual and speaks English and French. (彼女はバイリンガルで英語とフランス語を話します。)
at the same time 同時に (dōji ni)
I can’t do two things at the same time. (私は同時に2つのことをすることはできません。)
nature 自然 (shizen)
I love spending time in nature. (私は自然の中で過ごすのが好きです。)
still まだ (mada)
He is still at school. (彼はまだ学校にいます。)
both of 〜の両方 (〜 no ryōhō)
Both of my parents love cooking. (私の両親は料理が大好きです。)
together 一緒に (issho ni)
We went to the park together. (私たちは一緒に公園に行きました。)
learn 学ぶ (manabu)
I want to learn more about Japanese culture. (私は日本文化についてもっと学びたいです。)
temple 寺 (tera)
We visited a famous temple in Kyoto. (私たちは京都の有名なお寺を訪れました。)
I’d love to 〜したいです (〜 shitai desu)
I’d love to see your hometown someday. (いつかあなたの故郷を見てみたいです。)
tradition 伝統 (dentō)
They respect their family traditions. (彼らは家族の伝統を大切にしています。)
special 特別な (tokubetsu na)
This is a special gift for you. (これはあなたへの特別な贈り物です。)
hometown 故郷 (kokyō)
She always talks about her hometown. (彼女はいつも故郷の話をします。)
1. Why does Emma think learning different languages is important?
2. What activity does Emma’s family enjoy doing together in nature?
3. When did Emma start learning Japanese, and why?
4. Do you think learning two languages at the same time is difficult? Why or why not?
5. What kind of outdoor activities do you like to do with your family?
6. What do you think is special about your hometown?
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences
a) 彼女は環境を守りたいと思っています。
She wants to protect the (e ).
b) その湖はとても深いです。
The lake is very (d ).
c) 私たちは静かな森を歩きました。
We walked through a quiet (f ).
d) ナイアガラの滝を聞いたことがありますか?
Have you (h )(o ) Niagara Falls?
e) これは私のお気に入りの本の1つです。
This is (o )(o ) my favorite books.
f) 私は同時に2つのことをすることはできません。
I can’t do two things (a )(t )(s )(t ).
g) 私は自然の中で過ごすのが好きです。
I love spending time in (n ).
h) 彼はまだ学校にいます。
He is (s ) at school.
i) 私の両親は料理が大好きです。
(B )(o ) my parents love cooking.
j) 私たちは京都の有名なお寺を訪れました。
We visited a famous (t ) in Kyoto.
k) いつかあなたの故郷を見てみたいです。
(I )(l )(t ) see your hometown someday.
l) 彼らは家族の伝統を大切にしています。
They respect their family (t ).