Read the article and have a discussion based on the following questions.
- 記事を読んで次の質問に応えてください。
- Lesson 1: A Fun Day Out
- Lesson 2: The Lost Pen
- Lesson 3: Aya’s Trip to Okinawa
- Lesson 4: A Wonderful Day at Mt. Fuji
- Lesson 5: Masao’s Trip to Canada
- Lesson 6: A Special Apple Pie Day
- Lesson 7: Taku’s Homework
- Lesson 8: Jane’s First Trip to Japan
- Lesson 9: Cultural Differences in school
- Lesson 10: Planning a Visit
Lesson 1: A Fun Day Out
A Fun Day Out
Yesterday, Tom woke up early at 6:00 a.m. and had breakfast with his mother. After eating, he was ready to play. “Let’s go to the park!” he said. His mother smiled and agreed, so they walked to the park together.
Tom saw some friends in the park and played soccer with them. They kicked the ball, ran, and laughed a lot. Tom had a great time there. After a fun game, he and his mother went back home for lunch.
After lunch, Tom’s mother said, “Let’s go shopping.” They visited some shops, looked around, and found a great music CD. “Let’s buy this for your brother’s birthday tomorrow,” his mother said. Tom was excited. They bought the CD as a present.
At home, they listened to some music and sang together. Tom had a wonderful day with his mother and looked forward to giving his brother the present the next day. He felt tired but very happy!
wake up 目がさめる(mega sameru)、起きる(okiru)
I wake up early every day. (私は毎日早く起きます。)
woke wake(目がさめる mega sameru)の過去形 目がさめた(mega sameta)
He woke up at 6:00 a.m. (彼は朝6時に目がさめました。)
be ready to ~する準備ができている(~suru junbi ga dekiteiru)
I am ready to play soccer. (私はサッカーをする準備ができています。)
said say(言う iu)の過去形 言った(itta)
She said, “Let’s go to the park.” (彼女は「公園に行こう」と言いました。)
agree 賛成する(sansei suru)
They agreed to play together. (彼らは一緒に遊ぶことに賛成しました。)
walk to ~へ歩いて行く(~e aruite iku)
We walked to the station. (私たちは駅まで歩いて行きました。)
together 一緒に(issho ni)
They studied together. (彼らは一緒に勉強しました。)
saw see(見る miru)の過去形 見た(mita)
I saw my friends at the park. (私は公園で友達を見ました。)
laugh 笑う(warau)
They laughed a lot. (彼らはたくさん笑いました。)
a lot たくさん(takusan)
He plays a lot. (彼はたくさん遊びます。)
go back home 家に帰る(ie ni kaeru)
She went back home after school. (彼女は放課後、家に帰りました。)
go –ing ~しに行く(~shi ni iku)
Let’s go shopping. (買い物に行きましょう。)
look around 見回す(mimawasu)
They looked around the store. (彼らは店内を見回しました。)
found find(見つける mitsukeru)の過去形 見つけた(mitsuketa)
I found a nice book. (私は素敵な本を見つけました。)
excited ワクワクした(wakuwaku shita)
She was excited to see her friends. (彼女は友達に会えてワクワクしていました。)
bought buy(買う kau)の過去形 買った(katta)
He bought a gift for his friend. (彼は友達のために贈り物を買いました。)
as a present プレゼントとして(purezento toshite)
She gave it to me as a present. (彼女はそれをプレゼントとして私にくれました。)
sang sing(歌う utau)の過去形 歌った(utatta)
We sang a song together. (私たちは一緒に歌を歌いました。)
look forward to –ing ~するのを楽しみにする(~suru no o tanoshimi ni suru)
I look forward to meeting you. (私はあなたに会うのを楽しみにしています。)
the next day 翌日(yokujitsu)
We will go there the next day. (私たちは翌日そこに行きます。)
felt feel(感じる kanjiru)の過去形 感じた(kanjita)
He felt happy. (彼は嬉しく感じました。)
1. What time did Tom wake up yesterday morning?
2. What did Tom do in the park?
3. Was the music CD a present for Tom’s friend?
4. What time do you usually wake up on weekends?(あなたは週末何時に起きますか。)
5. What do you like to do with your friends?(あなたは友達と何をするのが好きですか。)
6. What do you want for your next birthday? Why?(あなたは次の誕生日に何が欲しいですか。)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼は朝6時に目がさめました。
He (w )(u ) at 6:00 a.m.
b) 彼女は「公園に行こう」と言いました。
She (s ), “Let’s go to the park.”
c) 彼らは一緒に勉強しました。
They studied (t ).
They (l ) a lot.
e) 買い物に行きましょう。
Let’s (g )(s ).
f) 私は素敵な本を見つけました。
I (f ) a nice book.
g) 彼は友達のために贈り物を買いました。
He (b ) a gift for his friend.
h) 私たちは一緒に歌を歌いました。
We (s ) a song together.
i) 私はあなたに会うのを楽しみにしています。
I (l )(f )(t ) meeting you.
j) 彼はたくさん遊びます。
He plays (a )(l ).
k) 彼女は友達に会えてワクワクしていました。
She was (e ) to see her friends.
l) 私たちは駅まで歩いて行きました。
We (w ) to the station.
m) 私は公園で友達を見ました。
I (s ) my friends at the park.
He (f ) happy.
Lesson 2: The Lost Pen
The Lost Pen
Risa: Hi, Jack. What are you doing here?
Jack: Hi, Risa. I’m looking for my pen.
Risa: Did you lose it?
Jack: Yes, I think so. I visited Ken this morning and left his house at two. My pen was in this bag then. I got home about three, but I couldn’t find it.
Risa: Hmm… where did you go on your way home?
Jack: I went to the library. Then went to the music store to look at guitars.
Risa: Did you go anywhere else?
Jack: No, that’s all.
Risa: Well, why don’t you go back to the library first? You may find your pen there. It’s four fifty now. The library will close soon.
Jack: Good idea! I’ll go there first. I have to run!
here ここに (koko ni)
I am here now. (私は今ここにいます。)
look for 探す (sagasu)
I will look for my keys. (私は鍵を探します。)
lose 失う (ushinau)
He lost his wallet yesterday. (彼は昨日財布を失いました。)
this morning 今朝 (kesa)
I ate breakfast this morning. (私は今朝、朝食を食べました。)
left leave(出発する shuppatsu suru)の過去形 出発した(shuppatsu shita)
He left his house early. (彼は家を早く出発しました。)
then その時 (sono toki)
I didn’t see him then. (私はその時、彼を見ませんでした。)
get home 家に帰る (ie ni kaeru)
I usually get home at six. (私はたいてい6時に家に帰ります。)
about およそ (oyoso)
We talked for about an hour. (私たちはおよそ1時間話しました。)
find 見つける (mitsukeru)
I can’t find my phone. (私は自分の電話を見つけられません。)
on 〜‘s way home 家に帰る途中で (ie ni kaeru tochuu de)
I met him on my way home. (私は家に帰る途中で彼に会いました。)
went go(行く iku)の過去形 行った(itta)
She went to the store yesterday. (彼女は昨日、店に行きました。)
look at ~を見る (〜 o miru)
I like to look at the stars at night. (私は夜、星を見るのが好きです。)
anywhere else ほかのどこか (hoka no dokoka)
Did you go anywhere else? (あなたはほかのどこかに行きましたか?)
that‘s all それで全部です (sorede zenbu desu)
That’s all I have to say. (それで私が言うことは全部です。)
why don‘t you 〜? 〜したらどうですか? (〜 shitara dou desu ka?)
Why don’t you ask him? (彼に聞いてみたらどうですか?)
go back to ~に戻る (〜 ni modoru)
I need to go back to the office. (私はオフィスに戻る必要があります。)
first 最初に (saisho ni)
First, let’s eat lunch. (まず、昼食を食べましょう。)
may ~かもしれない (~ kamo shirenai)
It may rain tomorrow. (明日は雨が降るかもしれません。)
there そこに (soko ni)
She is over there. (彼女はあそこにいます。)
close 閉まる (shimaru)
The store will close at eight. (その店は8時に閉まります。)
soon もうすぐ (mou sugu)
The bus will arrive soon. (バスはもうすぐ到着します。s
have to ~しなければならない (~ shinakereba naranai)
I have to study for the test. (私はテストのために勉強しなければなりません。)
1. What is Jack looking for?
2. Where did Jack go after he visited Ken?
3. Why does Jack have to run to the library quickly?
4. Have you ever lost something important?(あなたは大切な物をなくしたことがありますか。)
5. Where would you look for first if you lost something?
6. Do you often go to the library or a music store?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
I am (h ) now.
b) 彼は昨日財布を失いました。
He (l ) his wallet yesterday.
c) 私は今朝、朝食を食べました。
I ate breakfast (t )(m ).
d) 彼は家を早く出発しました。
He (l ) his house early.
e) 私はその時、彼を見ませんでした。
I didn’t see him (t ).
f) 私はたいてい6時に家に帰ります。
I usually (g )(h ) at six.
g) 私たちはおよそ1時間話しました。
We talked for (a ) an hour.
h) 私は自分の電話を見つけられません。
I can’t (f ) my phone.
i) 私は家に帰る途中で彼に会いました。
I met him (o )(t )(w )(h ).
j) 私は夜、星を見るのが好きです。
I like to (l )(a ) the stars at night.
k) 彼に聞いてみたらどうですか?
(W )(d )(y ) ask him?
l) 明日は雨が降るかもしれません。
It (m )(r ) tomorrow.
m) その店は8時に閉まります。
The store will (c ) at eight.
n) バスはもうすぐ到着します。
The bus will arrive (s ).
Lesson 3: Aya’s Trip to Okinawa
Aya’s Trip to Okinawa
Koji was happy because his sister, Aya, gave him a nice T-shirt. Aya came back from a school trip to Okinawa. She stayed there for four days with her classmates and teachers. Aya enjoyed her time in Okinawa very much. She saw many interesting places and took a lot of pictures.
Aya’s favorite place was the zoo. She saw a big elephant and cute monkeys. There was also a tall tree. Many birds were singing on the tree. Aya took a picture of the tree.
Aya’s friend, Yuki, bought a cap and a small dictionary at a store near the zoo. Aya bought a T-shirt and a book about animals for her brother, Koji. When she came back home, she gave the book and the T-shirt to Koji.
Aya showed her pictures to her family at home. Her parents and brother liked the zoo pictures. Koji said, “Thank you, Aya. The T-shirt is great!” Aya was happy that her family enjoyed her stories from Okinawa.
because なぜなら(nazenara)、〜なので(nanode)
I went to bed early because I was tired. (私は疲れていたので早く寝ました。)
gave give(あげる ageru)の過去形 あげた(ataeta)
She gave me a gift for my birthday. (彼女は私の誕生日に贈り物をくれました。)
come back from ~から戻る(~kara modoru)
He will come back from school soon. (彼はすぐに学校から戻ります。)
school trip 修学旅行(shuugaku ryokou)
We visited Kyoto on our school trip. (私たちは修学旅行で京都を訪れました。)
stay 滞在する(taizai suru)
They will stay at a hotel tonight. (彼らは今夜ホテルに滞在します。)
place 場所(basho)
This is my favorite place. (ここは私のお気に入りの場所です。)
took take(取る toru)の過去形 取った(totta)
I took a picture of the sunset. (私は夕焼けの写真を撮りました。)
a lot of たくさんの(takusan no)
She has a lot of friends. (彼女にはたくさんの友達がいます。)
zoo 動物園(doubutsuen)
We saw a lion at the zoo. (私たちは動物園でライオンを見ました。)
also もまた(mo mata)
He likes soccer, and he also likes baseball. (彼はサッカーが好きで、野球も好きです。)
dictionary 辞書(jisho)
I use a dictionary to find new words. (私は新しい単語を見つけるために辞書を使います。)
about ~について(~ni tsuite)
I read a book about stars. (私は星についての本を読みました。)
animal 動物(doubutsu)
The zoo has many different animals. (その動物園にはさまざまな動物がいます。)
at home 家で(ie de)
I study at home every evening. (私は毎晩家で勉強します。)
great 素晴らしい(subarashii)
The concert was great! (そのコンサートは素晴らしかったです。)
1.What did Aya give to her brother, Koji?
2.How many days did Aya stay in Okinawa?
3.What did Aya’s friend Yuki buy at the store near the zoo?
4.What animals do you enjoy seeing the most?
5. What kind of presents do you like to buy when you travel?
6. Where do you want to visit on a school trip? Why?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
I went to bed early (b ) I was tired.
b) 彼女は私の誕生日に贈り物をくれました。
She (g ) me a gift for my birthday.
He will (c )(b )(f ) school soon.
d) 私たちは修学旅行で京都を訪れました。
We visited Kyoto on our (s )(t ).
e) 彼らは今夜ホテルに滞在します。
They will (s ) at a hotel tonight.
f) ここは私のお気に入りの場所です。
This is my favorite (p ).
g) 私は夕焼けの写真を撮りました。
I (t ) a picture of the sunset.
h) 彼女にはたくさんの友達がいます。
She has ( )(l )(o ) friends.
i) 私たちは動物園でライオンを見ました。
We saw a lion at the ( ).
j) 彼はサッカーが好きで、野球も好きです。
He likes soccer, and he (a ) likes baseball.
k) 私は新しい単語を見つけるために辞書を使います。
I use a (d ) to find new words.
l) 私は星についての本を読みました。
I read a book (a ) stars.
m) その動物園にはさまざまな動物がいます。
The zoo has many different (a ).
n) 私は毎晩家で勉強します。
I study (a )(h ) every evening.
Lesson 4: A Wonderful Day at Mt. Fuji
A Wonderful Day at Mt. Fuji
Akira is a junior high school student. He lives in Shizuoka. He feels excited when he thinks about the beautiful Mt. Fuji.
His cousin, Yumiko, came to visit from Osaka during summer vacation. Akira was happy because they had a good time together.
On August 5, they woke up very early. Akira’s father, uncle, and Yumiko’s aunt were busy to get ready for their trip. They ate breakfast quickly and drank some water. Yumiko felt a little thirsty and hungry, but she was also very excited.
They started climbing Mt. Fuji, and it was hard but interesting. Akira was careful when he was walking. After a while, they met an old man. He was coming down. He said, “Hello! The view from the top is very wonderful!”
After a long climb, they finally got to the top. They were tired but happy! The rising sun was beautiful, and the view was fantastic. They took pictures and had a great time.
Yumiko smiled and said, “I am happy to climb to the top. I want to come back next year!” Akira said, “Yes, let’s climb Mt. Fuji again and see the sunset together!”
think 考える(kangaeru)
I think this movie is interesting. (私はこの映画が面白いと思います。)
during ~の間(~no aida)
He studied a lot during summer vacation. (彼は夏休み中にたくさん勉強しました。)
get ready 準備をする(junbi o suru)
I need to get ready for school. (私は学校の準備をしなければなりません。)
ate eat(食べる taberu)の過去形 食べた(tabeta)
She ate lunch with her friends. (彼女は友達と昼食を食べました。)
quickly 素早く(subayaku)
He finished his homework quickly. (彼は素早く宿題を終わらせました。)
drank drink(飲む nomu)の過去形 飲んだ(nonda)
I drank water after the game. (私は試合の後に水を飲みました。)
a little 少し(sukoshi)
I’m a little tired today. (今日は少し疲れています。)
thirsty 喉が渇いた(nodo ga kawaita)
He was thirsty after running. (彼は走った後に喉が渇いていました。)
hungry お腹が空いた(onaka ga suita)
I am hungry and want to eat lunch. (私はお腹が空いて、昼食を食べたいです。)
start –ing ~を始める(~o hajimeru)
She started studying English. (彼女は英語を勉強し始めました。)
climb 登る(noboru)
We will climb the mountain tomorrow. (私たちは明日その山に登ります。)
careful 注意深い(chuui bukai)
Be careful when you cross the street. (道を渡るときは注意してください。)
after a while しばらくして(shibaraku shite)
After a while, they began to talk. (しばらくして、彼らは話し始めました。)
met meet(会う au)の過去形 会った(atta)
I met my teacher in the park. (私は公園で先生に会いました。)
come down 降りてくる(orite kuru)
The bird came down from the tree. (鳥が木から降りてきました。)
view 景色(keshiki)
The view from the top was beautiful. (山頂からの景色は美しかったです。)
finally やっと(yatto)、ついに(tsuini)
We finally arrived at the beach. (私たちはやっとビーチに到着しました。)
get to ~に着く(~ni tsuku)
They got to the station on time. (彼らは時間通りに駅に着きました。)
rising sun 日の出(hinode)
We watched the rising sun from the mountain. (私たちは山から日の出を見ました。)
fantastic 素晴らしい(subarashii)
The fireworks show was fantastic! (その花火大会は素晴らしかったです!)
again また(mata)
I want to see that movie again. (私はまたあの映画を見たいです。)
sunset 夕日(yuuhi)
We enjoyed the sunset at the beach. (私たちはビーチで夕日を楽しみました。)
1. How did Akira and Yumiko feel when they got to the top?
2. Who came to visit Akira during summer vacation?
3. What did the old man say about the view from the top of Mt. Fuji?
4. Do you like climbing mountains? Why or why not?
5. What do you usually do during summer vacation?(あなたは夏休みに何をよくしますか。)
6. Which do you want to see more, the sunrise or the sunset? Why?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 私はこの映画が面白いと思います。
I (t ) this movie is interesting.
b) 彼は夏休み中にたくさん勉強しました。
He studied a lot (d ) summer vacation.
c) 彼女は友達と昼食を食べました。
She (a ) lunch with her friends.
d) 私は試合の後に水を飲みました。
I (d ) water after the game.
e) 今日は少し疲れています。
I’m ( )(l ) tired today.
f) 彼は走った後に喉が渇いていました。
He was (t ) after running.
g) 私たちは明日その山に登ります。
We will (c ) the mountain tomorrow.
h) 道を渡るときは注意してください。
Be (c ) when you cross the street.
i) 私は公園で先生に会いました。
I (m ) my teacher in the park.
j) 鳥が木から降りてきました。
The bird (c )(d ) from the tree.
k) 私たちはやっとビーチに到着しました。
We (f ) arrived at the beach.
l) 彼らは時間通りに駅に着きました。
They (g )(t ) the station on time.
m) 私はまたあの映画を見たいです。
I want to see that movie (a ).
n) 私たちはビーチで夕日を楽しみました。
We enjoyed the (s ) at the beach.
Lesson 5: Masao’s Trip to Canada
Masao’s trip to Canada
Masao is excited because he is going to Canada to stay with a host family. One day after class, he went to talk with his English teacher, Ms.Green.
“Ms. Green, I have a question,” Masao began. “I’m going to Canada at the end of July and I will stay there for a year!”
“That’s great, Masao!” Ms. Green said.
“I took a test a month ago and I passed it,” he explained. “Now I want to take something for my host family. Do you have any good ideas?”
Ms. Green thought for a moment. “How about a CD of Japanese songs? Your host family can enjoy some Japanese music.”
Masao smiled and said, “That’s a good idea! I’ll go to the CD shop tomorrow and look for one.”
“Good luck, Masao. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time in Canada,” Ms. Green said.
be going to 〜するつもりである(~suru tsumori de aru)
She is going to visit her friend this weekend. (彼女は今週末に友達を訪ねるつもりです。)
after class 授業のあとで(jugyou no ato de)
They went to the library after class. (彼らは授業のあとで図書館に行きました。)
talk with 〜と話す(〜to hanasu)
I like to talk with my friends. (私は友達と話すのが好きです。)
question 質問(shitsumon)
I have a question for you. (あなたに質問があります。)
began begin(始める hajimeru)の過去形 始めた(hajimeta)
He began to study English last year. (彼は去年英語の勉強を始めました。)
at the end of 〜の終わりに(〜no owari ni)
I am always tired at the end of the day. (私はいつも一日の終わりは疲れています。)
take a test テストを受ける(tesuto o ukeru)
She took a test in math yesterday. (彼女は昨日、数学のテストを受けました。)
a month ago 一か月前に(ikkagetsu mae ni)
I met her for the first time a month ago. (私は一か月前に彼女と初めて会いました。)
pass 合格する(goukaku suru)
He studied hard to pass the exam. (彼は試験に合格するために一生懸命勉強しました。)
explain 説明する(setsumei suru)
Please explain the answer to me. (答えを私に説明してください。)
want to 〜したい(〜shitai)
I want to learn how to play the guitar. (私はギターの弾き方を習いたいです。)
thought think(考える kangaeru)の過去形 考えた(kangaeta)
She thought about her answer carefully. (彼女は答えについて慎重に考えました。)
for a moment 少しの間(sukoshi no aida)
He was quiet for a moment. (彼は少しの間静かでした。)
How about 〜? 〜はどうですか?(〜wa dou desu ka?)
How about going to the park this afternoon? (今日の午後、公園に行くのはどうですか?)
look for 〜を探す(〜o sagasu)
She is looking for her phone. (彼女は電話を探しています。)
I’m sure きっと〜だと思う(kitto ~da to omou)
I’m sure you will do well. (きっとあなたはうまくやると思います。)
1. How long is Masao going to stay in Canada?
2. When did Masao take a test before his trip?
3. What kind of present does Ms. Green advised Masao to take for his host family?
4. If you were going to stay in another country, what kind of present would you take?
5. Have you ever traveled to another country? If so, where did you go? If not, where do you want to visit?(あなたはこれまでに外国を旅行したことがありますか。それはどこですか。もしなかったら、どこを訪れたいですか。)
6. What do you want to do if you had the chance to visit Canada?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女は今週末に友達を訪ねるつもりです。
She (i )(g )(t ) visit her friend this weekend.
b) 私は友達と話すのが好きです。
I like to (t )(w ) my friends.
c) あなたに質問があります。
I have a (q ) for you.
d) 彼は去年英語の勉強を始めました。
He (b ) to study English last year.
e) 私はいつも一日の終わりは疲れています。
I am always tired (a )(t )(e )(o )the day.
f) 彼女は昨日、数学のテストを受けました。
She (t ) a test in math yesterday.
g) 私は一か月前に彼女と初めて会いました。
I met her for the first time ( )(m )(a ).
h) 答えを私に説明してください。
Please (e ) the answer to me.
i) 私はギターの弾き方を習いたいです。
I (w )(t ) learn how to play the guitar.
j) 彼女は答えについて慎重に考えました。
She (t ) about her answer carefully.
k) 今日の午後、公園に行くのはどうですか?
(H )(a ) going to the park this afternoon?
l) 彼女は電話を探しています。
She is (l )(f ) her phone.
m) きっとあなたはうまくやると思います。
( )(s ) you will do well.
Lesson 6: A Special Apple Pie Day
A Special Apple Pie Day
One sunny afternoon, Ken and Yuki were enjoying a delicious pie together. “Do you like apple pie, Ken?” Yuki asked.
“Oh, yes! Apple pie is my favorite dessert,” Ken replied. “Mmm, this is amazing! Did you make it, Yuki?”
“No, my grandmother did,” Yuki said with a smile. “She bakes apple pies every autumn. Her garden is full of apple trees.”
“That sounds wonderful! Where does she live?” Ken asked.
“She lives in a small town, not far away from here. I visited her last week, and the trees were full of red apples. They were beautiful against the blue sky.”
“Wow! Can I come with you to see her next weekend?” Ken asked.
“Of course! She will teach us how to make an apple pie,” Yuki answered happily.
“That’s great! I can’t wait to learn the recipe!” Ken said.
reply 返事をする(henji o suru)
She replied to my question. (彼女は私の質問に返事をしました。)
amazing 驚くべき(odorokubeki)
The view from the mountain was amazing. (山からの景色は驚くべきものでした。)
with a smile 笑顔で(egao de)
He greeted us with a smile. (彼は笑顔で私たちに挨拶しました。)
bake 焼く(yaku)
I love to bake cookies. (私はクッキーを焼くのが好きです。)
autumn 秋(aki)
The leaves turn red in autumn. (秋には葉が赤くなります。)
be full of 〜でいっぱいである(~de ippai de aru)
The basket is full of apples. (そのかごはリンゴでいっぱいです。)
sound 〜のように聞こえる(~no you ni kikoeru)
That sounds like a great idea! (それは素晴らしいアイデアのように聞こえます!)
far away from 〜から遠く離れている(~kara tooku hanarete iru)
Her house is far away from the city. (彼女の家は町から遠く離れています。)
against 〜に対して(~ni taishite)
The red leaves looked beautiful against the blue sky.
sky 空(sora)
The sky was clear and blue. (空は澄んで青かったです。)
of course もちろん(mochiron)
Of course, I can help you. (もちろん、私はあなたを手伝えます。)
how to 〜の仕方(~no shikata)
She taught me how to swim. (彼女は私に泳ぎ方を教えてくれました。)
answer 答える(kotaeru)
Please answer the question. (質問に答えてください。)
happily 幸せそうに(shiawase sou ni)
They laughed happily together. (彼らは一緒に幸せそうに笑いました。)
can’t wait 待ちきれない(machikirenai)
I can’t wait for the weekend. (週末が待ちきれません。)
recipe レシピ(reshipi)
I have a recipe to make the cake. (私はケーキを作るためのレシピを持っています。)
1.What does Yuki’s grandmother make every autumn?
2.Where does Yuki’s grandmother live?
3.When did Yuki last visit her grandmother?
4. Do you like cooking? Why or why not?(あなたは料理が好きですか。それはなぜですか。)
5. What is your favorite dessert?(あなたの好きなデザートは何ですか。)
6. Who mainly cooks in your family? Do you help with the cooking?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 彼女は私の質問に返事をしました。
She (r ) to my question.
b) 彼は笑顔で私たちに挨拶しました。
He greeted us (w )( )(s ).
c) 私はクッキーを焼くのが好きです。
I love to (b ) cookies.
d) 秋には葉が赤くなります。
The leaves turn red in (a ).
e) そのかごはリンゴでいっぱいです。
The basket (i )(f )(o ) apples.
f) それは素晴らしいアイデアのように聞こえます!
That (s ) like a great idea!
g) 彼女の家は町から遠く離れています。
Her house is (f )(a )(f ) the city.
h) 青空に対して赤い葉が美しく見えました。
The red leaves looked beautiful (a ) the blue sky.
i) 空は澄んで青かったです。
The (s ) was clear and blue.
j) もちろん、私はあなたを手伝えます。
(O )(c ), I can help you.
k) 彼女は私に泳ぎ方を教えてくれました。
She taught me (h )(t )(s ).
l) 質問に答えてください。
Please (a ) the question.
m) 彼らは一緒に幸せそうに笑いました。
They laughed (h ) together.
n) 週末が待ちきれません。
I (c )(w ) for the weekend.
o) 私はケーキを作るためのレシピを持っています。
I have a (r ) to make the cake.
Lesson 7: Taku’s Homework
Taku’s Homework
One afternoon, Taku saw his friend Lisa and asked, “Hi, Lisa. Will you be free tomorrow?”
Lisa said, “Oh, hi, Taku. Yes, I’ll be free all day. What’s up?”
“I have to do my English homework, but it’s very difficult for me. Could you help me?” Taku said.
“Sure! What do you need to do?” Lisa asked.
“I have to study about a foreign country and write a report about it. Lisa, you’re from Australia, right? Will you tell me about your country?” Taku said.
“Yes! I’d like to help you with your homework. We have unique animals like kangaroos and koalas, and we love sports.”
Taku said, “That sounds amazing. Let’s meet at the library at noon tomorrow. We can talk and look for books there.”
“Great! I’ll bring some pictures, too. See you tomorrow!” Lisa said.
saw see(見る miru)の過去形 見た(mita)
I saw a beautiful bird in the park. (私は公園で美しい鳥を見ました。)
be free 暇である(hima de aru)
I will be free this afternoon. (私は今日の午後、暇です。)
all day 一日中(ichinichijuu)
He studied all day for the test. (彼はテストのために一日中勉強しました。)
What’s up? どうしたの?(dou shita no?)
“What’s up?” I asked because she looked sad.
(“どうしたの?” 私は彼女が悲しそうに見えたので尋ねました。)
have to 〜しなければならない(~shinakereba naranai)
I have to finish my homework tonight.
difficult 難しい(muzukashii)
This math problem is very difficult. (この数学の問題はとても難しいです。)
need to 〜する必要がある(~suru hitsuyou ga aru)
I need to buy some eggs. (私は卵を買う必要があります。)
foreign country 外国(gaikoku)
She wants to visit a foreign country someday.
would like to 〜したいと思う(~shitai to omou)
I’d like to travel to Italy. (私はイタリアへ旅行したいと思っています。)
help 人 with 物 〜のーを手伝う(〜no – o tetsudau)
Can you help me with my homework? (私の宿題を手伝ってくれますか?)
unique 独特の(dokutoku no)
We have unique animals in Australia.(オーストラリアには独特な動物がいます。)
at noon 正午に(shougo ni)
The train will arrive at noon. (その列車は正午に到着します。)
look for 〜を探す(~o sagasu)
I am looking for my keys. (私は鍵を探しています。)
bring 持ってくる(motte kuru)
Please bring your notebook tomorrow. (明日はノートを持ってきてください。)
1. Is Lisa busy all day tomorrow?
2. What does Taku have to do?
3. Where are Taku and Lisa going to meet to do the homework?
4. Have you ever asked friends to help with your homework? How do they help you?
5. If you had to do the same homework as Taku, which country would you choose and why?
6. What will you introduce about Japan to someone from another country?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
I (s ) a beautiful bird in the park.
b) 私は今日の午後、暇です。
I will (b )(f ) this afternoon.
c) 彼はテストのために一日中勉強しました。
He studied (a )(d ) for the test.
d) 「どうしたの?」私は彼女が悲しそうに見えたので尋ねました。
“(W )(u )?” I asked because she looked sad.
e) 私は今夜、宿題を終わらせなければなりません。
I (h )(t )finish my homework tonight.
f) この数学の問題はとても難しいです。
This math problem is very (d ).
g) 私は卵を買う必要があります。
I (n )(t )buy some eggs.
h) 彼女はいつか外国を訪れたいと思っています。
She wants to visit a ( )( ) someday.
i) 私はイタリアへ旅行したいと思っています。
I’d (l )(t ) travel to Italy.
j) 私の宿題を手伝ってくれますか?
Can you (h ) me (w ) my homework?
k) オーストラリアには独特な動物がいます。
We have (u ) animals in Australia.
l) その列車は正午に到着します。
The train will arrive (a )(n ).
m) 私は鍵を探しています。
I am (l )(f ) my keys.
n) 明日はノートを持ってきてください。
Please (b ) your notebook tomorrow.
Lesson 8: Jane’s First Trip to Japan
Jane’s First Trip to Japan
Hello! My name is Jane. I’m fifteen years old, and I’m from Sydney, Australia. Do you know Sydney? It’s a beautiful city with beaches and famous buildings. I study Japanese at school in Australia, but it is a little difficult.
I came to Japan a week ago, and this is my first time here. I’m very excited to visit many places!
First of all, I want to go to Kobe to see my brother. He lives there and studies Japanese at college. I also want to visit my friend, Kyoko, in Hokkaido. She visited us in Australia last year, and I want to see her again.
I have many hobbies. For example, I like listening to music and playing the piano. I also like swimming. I’d like to teach Japanese in Australia in the future. I hope to learn a lot of things while I’m in Japan. Thank you!
famous 有名な(yuumei na)
This restaurant is famous for its pizza. (このレストランはピザで有名です。)
a little 少し(sukoshi)
I can speak English a little. (私は英語を少し話せます。)
a week ago 一週間前に(isshuukan mae ni)
I met him a week ago. (私は一週間前に彼に会いました。)
first time 初めて(hajimete)
This is my first time to visit Japan. (これが私が日本を訪れるのは初めてです。)
first of all まず第一に(mazu daiichi ni)
First of all, let’s introduce ourselves. (まず第一に、自己紹介をしましょう。)
college 大学(daigaku)
He studies math at college. (彼は大学で数学を勉強しています。)
hobby 趣味(shumi)
My hobby is reading books. (私の趣味は本を読むことです。)
in the future 将来(shourai)
I want to be a doctor in the future. (将来、私は医者になりたいです。)
hope to 〜したいと望む(~shitai to nozomu)
I hope to visit Paris someday. (私はいつかパリを訪れたいと望んでいます。)
a lot of たくさんの(takusan no)
There are a lot of people in the park. (公園にはたくさんの人がいます。)
while 〜している間(〜shite iru aida)
She read a book while she was waiting for her friend.
1. When did Jane come to Japan a week?
2. Where is Jane from?
3. Who does Jane want to visit in Kobe.
4. Which country would you like to visit? Why?
5. Do you have any friends or family who live in another country?
6. What are your hobbies? Why do you like it?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
This restaurant is (f ) for its pizza.
b) 私は英語を少し話せます。
I can speak English (a )(l ).
c) 私は一週間前に彼に会いました。
I met him ( )(w )(a ).
d) これが私が日本を訪れるのは初めてです。
This is my (f )(t ) to visit Japan.
e) まず第一に、自己紹介をしましょう。
(F )(o )(a ), let’s introduce ourselves.
f) 彼は大学で数学を勉強しています。
He studies math at (c ).
g) 私の趣味は本を読むことです。
My (h ) is reading books.
h) 将来、私は医者になりたいです。
I want to be a doctor (i )(t )(f ).
i) 私はいつかパリを訪れたいと望んでいます。
I (h )(t ) visit Paris someday.
j) 公園にはたくさんの人がいます。
There are ( )(l )(o ) people in the park.
k) 彼女は友達を待っている間、本を読んでいました。
She read a book (w ) she was waiting for her friend.
Lesson 9: Cultural Differences in school
Cultural Differences in School
I came to Japan two months ago, and I found some differences between schools here in Japan and in the United States. For example, we change classrooms for each subject in my school in the United States. The teachers stay in their rooms.
I also noticed the difference in how to greet the teachers. In the U.S., teachers in the United states start classes with “Good morning” or “Hello, class,” but students don’t bow or stand up.
At first, it seemed strange to me, but now I understand. Students show their respect to teachers by bowing. Learning about these differences is very interesting to me. I still have many things to learn.
cultural 文化の (bunka no)
They talked about cultural differences. (彼らは文化の違いについて話しました。)
difference 違い (chigai)
There is a difference between these two pictures. (この二つの写真には違いがあります。)
between ~ and ~ ~と~の間で (~ to ~ no aida de)
There is a big difference between summer and winter.
for example 例えば (tatoeba)
There are many fruits in Japan, for example, apples and oranges.
change 変わる (kawaru)
The weather changes quickly in spring. (春には天気がすぐに変わります。)
each それぞれの (sorezore no)
Each student has a different book. (それぞれの生徒は違う本を持っています。)
subject 科目 (kamoku)
Math is my favorite subject. (数学は私のお気に入りの科目です。)
notice 気づく (kizuku)
I noticed a small bird in the tree. (私は木の中に小さな鳥がいるのに気づきました。)
how to ~の仕方 (~ no shikata)
I learned how to swim when I was young. (私は若いときに泳ぎ方を学びました。)
greet 挨拶をする (aisatsu o suru)
The teacher greeted us with a smile. (先生は私たちに笑顔で挨拶をしました。)
bow お辞儀をする (ojigi o suru)
The students bow to the teacher at the start of class.
at first 最初は (saisho wa)
At first, the lesson was difficult, but it became easier.
it seems ~のように見える (~ no you ni mieru)
It seems interesting to me. (それは私には面白そうにに見える。)
strange 奇妙な (kimyou na)
This new food tastes a little strange. (この新しい食べ物は少し奇妙な味がします。)
understand 理解する (rikai suru)
I understand the math problem now. (私は今、数学の問題を理解しました。)
respect 尊敬 (sonkei)
We should show respect to our teachers. (私たちは先生に尊敬を示すべきです。)
by ~ing 〜することによって (~suru koto ni yotte)
He studies English by watching movies. (彼は映画を見ることで英語を勉強します。)
still まだ (mada)
He still wants to buy it. (彼はまだそれを買いたがっています。)
1. Do students in the United States change classrooms for each subject?
2. How do teachers in the United States greet their students at the start of class?
3. What do students in Japan do to show respect to their teachers?
4. How would you feel about bowing to teachers?
5. What are some differences between Japan and other countries.
6. Are there any unique school customs in Japan?(日本に独特な学校の習慣はありますか。)
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 夏と冬には大きな違いがあります。
There is a big (d ) between summer ( ) winter.
b) 日本には多くの果物があります。例えば、リンゴやオレンジです。
There are many fruits in Japan, (f )(e ), apples and oranges.
c) 春には天気がすぐに変わります。
The weather (c ) quickly in spring.
d) それぞれの生徒は違う本を持っています。
(E ) student has a different book.
e) 数学は私のお気に入りの科目です。
Math is my favorite (s ).
f) 私は若いときに泳ぎ方を学びました。
I learned (h )(t )(s ) when I was young.
g) 生徒たちは授業の始めに先生にお辞儀をします。
The students (b ) to the teacher at the start of class.
h) 最初はその授業は難しかったですが、だんだん簡単になりました。
(A )(f ), the lesson was difficult, but it became easier.
i) それは私には面白そうに見える。
(I )(s ) interesting to me.
j) この新しい食べ物は少し奇妙な味がします。
This new food tastes a little (s ).
k) 私は今、数学の問題を理解しました。
I (u ) the math problem now.
l) 私たちは先生に尊敬を示すべきです。
We should show (r ) to our teachers.
m) 彼は映画を見ることで英語を勉強します。
He studies English (b )(w ) movies.
n) 彼はまだそれを買いたがっています。
He (s ) wants to buy it.
Lesson 10: Planning a Visit
Planning a Visit
Jane: Hello, Ken! This is Jane. Can I talk to you for a moment?
Ken: Hi, Jane! How are you?
Jane: I’m fine, thanks. I’m going to visit you this Saturday!
Ken: That’s great! Do you know which train to take?
Jane: I was just thinking about that. I’ll leave Tokyo around nine in the morning. Can I take a fast train?
Ken: Yes, you can take the Shinkansen. It leaves Tokyo at 8:56 and arrives at Takasaki Station at 9:56.
Jane: Wow, that’s fast!
Ken: Yes, it is and it’s very clean.
Jane: Great! I’ll take the Shinkansen, then.
Ken: I’ll meet you at Takasaki Station at ten.
Jane: OK! I’ll bring some pictures of mountains from my country to show you.
Ken: That sounds wonderful! See you at ten on Saturday!
Jane: See you then, Ken!
talk to 話しかける (hanashikakeru)
I want to talk to my teacher after class. (私は授業の後で先生に話しかけたいです。)
for a moment 少しの間 (sukoshino aida)
Please wait for a moment. (少しの間待ってください。)
which to ~ どれを〜するべきか (dore o ~ surubeki ka)
I don’t know which to choose. (私はどれを選ぶべきか分かりません。)
just ちょうど (choudo)
I have just finished my homework. (私はちょうど宿題を終えました。)
leave 出発する (出発する shuppatsu suru)
The train will leave soon. (その電車はまもなく出発します。)
around およそ (oyoso)
We will arrive around noon. (私たちは正午ごろ到着します。)
take a train 電車に乗る (densha ni noru)
I take a train to go to Tokyo. (私は電車で東京に行きます。)
fast 速い (hayai)
This car is very fast. (この車はとても速いです。)
arrive at 〜に到着する (~ ni touchaku suru)
We arrived at the airport on time. (私たちは時間通りに空港に到着しました。)
clean きれいな (kirei na)
This room is always clean. (この部屋はいつもきれいです。)
country 国 (kuni)
Japan is a beautiful country. (日本は美しい国です。)
1. Where will Ken and Jane meet on Saturday?
2. How long does it take for the Shinkansen to go from Tokyo to Takasaki?
3. What is Jane going to bring to show Ken?
4. Which do you use more often: buses, trains, or something else?”
( あなたはバス、電車、その他の中ではどれをよく使いますか。)
5. Have you ever traveled on a Shinkansen? If so, how was it? Or would you like to take the Shinkansen someday?
6. Do you like to make plans with your friends?
7. 次の日本文に合うように空所に適語を入れましょう。
Fill in the blanks with appropriate words to match the following Japanese sentences.
a) 私は授業の後で先生に話しかけたいです。
I want to (t )(t ) my teacher after class.
b) 少しの間待ってください。
Please wait (f )( )(m ).
c) 私はどれを選ぶべきか分かりません。
I don’t know (w )(t )(c ).
d) 私はちょうど宿題を終えました。
I have (j ) finished my homework.
e) その電車はまもなく出発します。
The train will (l ) soon.
f) 私たちは正午ごろ到着します。
We will arrive (a ) noon.
g) 私は東京に電車で行きます。
I (t )( )(t ) to go to Tokyo.
h) この車はとても速いです。
This car is very (f ).
i) 私たちは時間通りに空港に到着しました。
We (a )(a ) the airport on time.
j) この部屋はいつもきれいです。
This room is always (c ).
k) 日本は美しい国です。
Japan is a beautiful (c ).